Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh My...Another Soft Bed

Cannot believe it...four days in a row at better than 25 miles and this ole' bod is really hanging in there. SAM & ME pulled some goshawful hills today on Oregon Hwy 30 overlooking the Beautiful Columbia River on our way to St. Helens. SAM performed again superbly and I had to literally run up those 3 - 4 mile long hills to keep up with her. Cannot remember getting short on breath WOW. Arrived at St. Helens at 6 pm after our late start from Longview at 10 am.

Had 5 folks stop us along US 30 marvelling at our hill climbing ...just cruising on up. Some had seen us yesterday in Washington and others saw us earlier today and simply could not let us go without an explanation. So, we have 5 more Blog Followers.

About mid afternoon, cell rang & a friendly young female voice says...You don't know me, but I read your blog and think I can be of some help in your walk. Well ! Was I surprised. Turns out Leighann is refereed by another blog follower, Melissa and Thane, who apparently have put out the word that SAM & Bruce are coming. Tomorrow Leighann & I meet somewhere along US 30 before Portland. We Skyped a bit & found nothing revolting, so look forward to tomorrow's encounter. By the way, I have Skype on my mini laptop and would welcome contacts. If Skype is not available, e-mail, blog comment, or facebook also work...then there is cell....I answer all rings even at 2 in the morning...provided I'm not caught in a cloudburst as happened today.

Boy, did it rain when crossing the Lewis & Clark Bridge over the Columbia River from Longview. Reminded me of one of my visits to Geneva, Switzerland a few years back. Geneva Old Town borders France. French in times past often invaded the City/State of Geneva. At Cannon Square four cannon face down each cobble street (about wide enuf for a VW Beetle). Word goes that as the invaders charged up the street towards the Cannon, Grandmothers above the narrow street dumped tubs of boiling water on the heads of the Frenchmen below. Of course, Switzerland/Grandmas won the day.

Today's rain was like that...me, playing the part of the invaders and God playing Grandma/s/
Tubs & Tubs of water pelted SAM & Me for a couple hours. Strangely tho, it really invigorated me and SAM is built to take such punishment and keep on climbing.

We are again holed up in a Best Western. Complained about the goshawful high price and was told to join their "club" & I could use Delta Skymiles...now they tell me. I have something like 400,000 Delta Skymiles. So, if all is true (will find out in the morning from the Manager) I will most likely swallow my pride...eat some more crow...and check into Best Western from time to time. Stand by for the update on this !

Sam LOVES best Western. She gets her voltaic tummy filled. Somehow, the Solar Panels are not keeping up with her appetite on the hills. Must find a solution, as these itty bitty hills are only tasters for what lies ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce,

    Saw a brief snippet of your blog on the documentary channel and have been reading and googlemapping your journey. So, I thought I would stop for a moment to say hi.
