Monday, May 17, 2010

Oregon Tomorrow

Arrived i n Longview @ 5 pm after a 7:30 am start from our overwhelming campsite of last night. SAM & ME walked another 27 miles today up and down some very difficult roadways.

Yesterday, we took it kinda easy, leaving Centralia at 10 am, stopping for Chinese Buffet lunch in Chehalis. We then walked into the farming country West & South of Chehalis, stopping at a seculded side road going some 400 feet or so off the highway. We set up camp in a breathtaking grove of evergreen trees reaching easily 150 feet into the brilliant sunfilled Western Sky.

We enjoyed an uninterrupted peaceful night, broke camp at 7:30 am, and were on our way. Must say I kept looking over my shoulder for Susquach...but nary hide nor fur to be seen. A few screeches rang out...owls, I imagine. As we left our sanctuary, it started to drizzle from the foggy sky and did not let up until about 10 am.

SAM, as usual, performed flawlessly. She repeatedly dragged me up steep curvy hills and I repaid by easing her back down dozens of equally steep curvy hills. Even had to use the rear brakes on one hill...shades of coming events when we reach the mountains.

Our walk was long and demanding today. The sun came out about noon. Upon arriving in Longview, it became windy, cold, and the first drops of rain fell.

I have met so many just plain nice folks every day. I am confused/cocerned, however, that no one has commented on the blog...maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places. If anyone wants to take the plunge, I sure will be pleased to hear from them (you).

Office work goes on even while walking hundreds of miles away. Thanks NASA for the technology that allows this.

Tonight, we arrived cold, wet & hungry in the center of Longview. Not much opportunity to set up camp, so SAM & ME have holed up in the Best Western. Tomorrow, as already said, we will cross the Columbia River Bridge a couple miles away and start walking East on US 30 to Portland, Oregon .

I then put SAM into secure storage at Harley-Davidson, Vancouver (across the Columbia back into Washington), take out the motorcyle & drive to Ron's home in Federal Way. Also plan to driver back to Bellingham for a couple days before returning to Ron's, putting the motorcycle into the trailer and driving VTM to Bend, Oregon, our next leg destination. Bend is also the home of my Son, Thomas. Look forward to spending a couple days with Tom and his family before returning to Vancouver for our walk Vancouver-Bend.

Gonna slip into hot tub of water & soak for an hour or so...who knows,..perhaps my cell will ring. I would like that.


  1. Hi Bruce - Your campsite last night sounds great! Not as warm as tonight's "campsite" though! How are your bloody toes and your bad finger nail? Any improvement on Sam pulling to one side. Sleep well..... Melissa

  2. Hey Bruce!

    Melissa suggested I follow you so here I am!!! I live outside of Portland (west side) so look for a 503 area code call tomorrow :) maybe we can meet up. And don't worry about people not commenting on your blog. It takes a long time for people to get involved and some are leery about signing up to comment. Talk soon!

    Leigh Ann

  3. hey bruce, hope your trips going good, and guess what!!! tomorrow in science were starting to talk about evolution and how man became to be so i get to bring up the whole nibiru and annuky thing your told me so much bout! i hope you have good rest of the trip bye!

