Friday, June 11, 2010

Granddaughter & Gradson Graduate

Granddaughter Kylie (center) as published in the Bend Bulletin Newspaper of Today.

16 year old (just barely 16) Kylie graduated Thursday evening with honors and a scolarship to college in an impressive ceremony in Redmond, Oregon. Will post pic in a bit. Grandson Thomas graduates Saturday in Federal Way, Washington. Am fortunate to be at Kylie's and plan to be at Thomas' graduations.

Thomas also now has his piano. I delivered it to Federal Way today from Burns, Oregon.

Have taken a few days out from walking. Sunday, drive to Bellingham to catch up on admin. work for my Company, which somehow continues to survive in spite of all odds. I receive and process orders while walking and do the admin when returning to Bellingham. My Verizon Cell & notebook computer function well so far.

Have driven next week's walking routes two times in some detail. All looks good to walk the 125 miles from Bend to Burns, Oregon in 25 - 30 mile increments. Biggest problem is that US 20 thru Central Oregon High Desert has NO walking berm; i.e., SAM & ME will be walking on the actual highway pavement. The shoulder is covered in volcanic cinders which are sharp and would quickly cut SAM's tires. Locals again reminded us to be cautious...rattlesnakes infest the place.

Plan to walk on the left facing traffic so we can move out of the way of oncoming cars & trucks. Could not do that walking "with" traffic as it moves too fast to see it coming in SAM's tiny rear view mirrors in time to get out of the way. Fortunately, US 20 is not heavily travelled.

After reaching Burns which will take 5 nights, we will visit a couple days with Daughter Monica, Ben, Kaitlin and her Husband Richard, who are both looking for work, and Jennifer and her three children (three of my Great Grandchildren). Then begins the "real" walk. It is 150 miles from Burns to Ontario, Oregon on the Snake River bordering Idaho. That is 150 miles of some of the most desolate rugged country one can travel. There are virtually no farms, no business of any kind, and steep hills- which I am told rattlesnakes just love.

The Burns/Ontario walk will tell what kind of stuff SAM & ME are really made of.

Thomas's piano is all set up in Son, Ronald's home. A family friend, Shawn, is entertaining us with his mastery of piano, playing anything/everything asked...all from his mind. He says our piano, a Wurlitzer Spinet in ebony black is a superb musical instrument. Thomas will, hopefully, find it to be a good addition to his developing music talents.


  1. Hi Bruce,

    Looks like you are making good progress and having fun along the way. We are in Wrangell, Alaska and having a blast. See you this fall at the club!

  2. Hi from Rob and Sharon. See that you are making good progress and are having fun along the way. We are in Wrangell, Alaska and are having a blast! Stay safe. Talk to you at the club in the fall.
