Tuesday, June 8, 2010


"Red" new 36-volt charger is a dud: i.e., it did not work. Dealer said he checked it out, but it does NOT work. So, a new one will be available next Tuesday. Have also ordered a new one from the OEC Supplier, which will also be available next Tuesday...which will give SAM a "new" backup charger when we resume walking next week

SAM is at Son, Thomas awaiting my return from Bellingham next Tuesday. At the moment I sit at Daughter, Monica's Dining Room Table overlooking 50 miles (maybe much more than 50 miles) of magical High Desert - 4,000 feet + - with Lake Malheur Wildlife Sancturary - a Bird Refuge in the foreground and the Steen Snowtopped Mountains in the far distnt background.

This region is prolific with ancient volcanic activity and abounds with hot springs popping out of the ground. Volcano cones rise from the Desert\...one just yards from Monica's home, where red "cinders" can be scooped up by the truckload. Most roads are paved with those red cinders, including berms of highways - like Hwy 20 which we will walk next week.

It pays to have dogs - and cats - on the property...keeps the rattlesnakes at bay.
Ben, Monica's Husband killed only two this year so far, but the neightor a quarter mile away killed 48 last year and 72 so far this year...all in his yard. Seems there is a "Snake Pit" of sorts (a big pile of rocks on the hillside - same hillside as Monica's home is on) a couple hundred feet from his home built three years ago.
A couple years ago, Monica's cat drug three rattlers to her front porch and proudly coiled them up on the steps just for the adulation she received.

Each year, tho, Monica & Ben run into less and less of the critters.

Tomorrow we load the piano into the Van. Been over 20 years since I played it, but was pleasantly surprised I could pick out the music and fingers somehow found the keys. Would love to have it in my home, but alas, it is against "house" rules...so, Grandson Thomas receives it on Saturday.

From where I sit, sagebrush reaches uninterrupted until out of sight. A rare moving black spot meanders in the distance...one of the free roaming herd of Angus?... and the everpresent far distant mountain tops all contribute to filter the clarity and sweet smelling air in every direction.

It may be...it is !...isolated way out here, 30 miles South of Bruns, Oregon. Being here is humbling...real Pioneers carving lives out of truly virgin land...some of it...most of it...untouched for tens of thousands of years.

I strongly support anyone to experience this treasure spot...found all too little in our shrinking world.

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