Monday, June 7, 2010

Bend Oregon

SAM & ME have now walked from the Peace Arch to Bend, Oregon, in 21 days actual walking time. SAM is in great shape (must attend to her "red" 36-volt AC charger, which quit 3 days panels have worked just fine to keep "red" filled , so has not slowed us down). I am also in great shape.

Our 20 mile walk on US 97 from Redmond to Bend, was a routine 4.5 hour stroll. Arrived at Son, Thomas home at 2:00 PM where I spent a super afternoon hugging my four Grandchildren, Kylie. Devin. Braden & Natalie. Kylie, who graduates Thursday from High School, gave up her comfy bed to GrandPa for the night.

Yesterday will be the last day SAM & ME walk until next week...when we begin serious walking of the 250 mile Central Oregon High Dessert (4,000 + feet)....then cross Idaho to Pocatello & up / over three 7,000 + foot Rockie Mountain Continental Divide passes through Wyoming & on to Denver.

In the coming week SAM stays at Thomas' in Bend. I drive to Daughter, Monica in Burns later today to pick up my Spinet piano in the Van. Will return to Bend for Kylie's graduation Thursday. Then it is on to Son, Ron in Federal Way to give GrandSon Tom the piano and be at his graduation on Saturday.

Then it is back home to Bellingham for two days.

After the drive back to Bend next Tuesday / Wednesday SAM & ME will walk into virgin territory where our serious walk begins.

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