Saturday, June 5, 2010

Redmond, Oregon

CROOKED RIVER, Terrebonne, Oregon

Time is flying as are SAM & ME.

Walked 25 miles today from Madras to Redmond. Took from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM, during which we climbed from 2,200 feet to 3,000 feet. Tomorrow we walk to Bend, 21 miles South down US 97, during we will climb another 700 feet.

Sun was bright until 3:00 PM or so, so used the solar panels.

Did NOT fix "red" battery pack AC charger yesterday...was fully wiped least thought I was until we arrived in Redmond today. I could not walk another step, so checked into a very nice new motel...and bargained the room price,,,for walkers to KEY WEST, received 20% discount.

Was bitter-sweet for me to walk US 97. In the early 1950's, I was stationed at Hamilton Air Force Base in Marin County - across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. On Friday evening after work, used to drive my 1949 Mercury to Seattle (to South Whidby, actually Freeland). No freeways in those days. Always took US 97 from Mt, Shasta to Madras, then US 26 over Mt Hood to Portland, covering the 900 miles in 12 hours. Same route SAM & ME are walking now,

Sunday evening, I would rush back down US 97, arriving at Hamilton just in time to go to work. In those days, I was a Court Reporter, writing Gregg Simplified (no shorthand machines in those days)...then typing up the court proceedings,,,was lots of fun as I could take testimony down at over 165 words per minute and typed on a manual Remington Typewriter at over 100 mistakes allowed.

This evening I am using the hunt and peck system. Do not like this mini.

Climbing out of Kahneeta Canyon yesterday and today walking the highlands of US 97, the wind blew pretty hard...usually from our Starboard at about 45 degrees. It occurred to me that SAM is about the same size as my racing dinghy Dyer Dhow. I believe I have figured out how to rig SAM with a Jib. Will look into supplies when I am at Son, Thomas house in Bend. If I am right in my design, I will be able to give SAM another power source. When we reach the Rockies and the Central Plains, it would be a great help (would SAM then be a "Land Schooner"...or perhaps "Sloop-Rigged Stroller"...we shall see. Oh to be so young that the mind keeps putting forth...

Keep wondering what to do when I get old ...exciting things just keep showering down upon me...too many choices...way too many choices

1 comment:

  1. Love the finish to this post Bruce!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!! :)
    Leigh Ann
