Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So Much For Suppliers

Two firms promised they would deliver battery chargers in Bend by today. After a 6 hour drive from Bellingham to Bend, NO CHARGERS.

So, I have this evening modified SAM. The one remaining charger now has a quick disconnect. Both "Red" and "Green" battery packs feed off the remaining AC charger. My modification works very well and took about an hour to install the changes.

So, in the morning, SAM & ME continue our stroll across America. Our first stop will be an abanded restaurant/gas station about 28 miles East of Bend on US 20. Should take about 7 hours...with only one very steep long hill to climb. But as we are learning, steep hills are SAM's forte'.

The next five nights will see SAM & ME strolling 25 to 30 miles a day hopping along US 20 until we reach Burns, Oregon, 125 miles away.

This will be our first experience of being pretty much alone for nearly a week. I look forward to the challenge and am confident all will go well. My main concern is the lack of a "berm" to walk on. We will have to walk on the traffic surface, which adds an additional element of caution to keep us and the traffic safe.

When the promised chargers arrive, Son, Tomas will send them to Daughter Monica in Burns. Do not really trust the quality of the remaining charger as it has begun to make funny noises...just like it's twin which failed last week. Oh, well...off we go and hope for the best but prepare for something less (than the best...i.e.; the worst !)

Let's see...what could the worst be?

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