Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is Anyone Having Summer

SAM & ME walked 28 difficult miles today...and I nearly froze.

Driving the Van/Trailer from Bend, Oregon to the Millican abandoned stores, it SNOWED.

A freak of nature??? Millican is at 4,400 foot elevation. It rained 75% of the 7-1/2 hours we walked...The wind also blew hard from time to time. Upon arriving at Millican, I was close to hypothermia. I got into the Van, started her up, and thawed out under the heater vents.

We have two more weeks walking this High Desert before entering the Boise, Idaho Snake River Valley. Sure hope we get a bit better weather.

SAM pulled a 3-mile 7% hill this afternoon...I warmed up a bit "running" up that hill trying to keep up with SAM...what a machine. One of the 36-volt battery chargers has arrived in Bend...2 days too late for me to install it. Will try to get installed when we arrive in Burns in 5 or 6 days.

Am putting the empty abandoned Millican buildings to good use. SAM and the APU are inside as is most of my fresh is dry and cold in there, so some benefit has been found with the cold...just hope no wandering varmints find it.

Daughter Monica and Ben stopped at Millican just now...surprisr surprise...I was too chilled to get out of the Van...Ben said the weather was supposed to change tomorrow.

If it does not, I might just stay put for a day...

1 comment:

  1. Frosty Bruce! Glad you had a safe warm place to recover. It's forecast to be 85-degrees here today--I'll try and send some of it your way!
