Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sun Finally Shines


After yesterday's traumatic walk, today's 17 mile stroll was a picnic.

Walked from Millican to Brothers on US 20.

Early morning (5:00 am) sky was cloudless and clear...but the mid 20's. As I feared, some critter found my food stash (inside the Millican abandoned buildings. It stole my new loaf of bread and my special-made ham-turkey-cheese-veggies sandwich - today's on-the-road meal.

Got an early start from Millican as Dixie, the owner of the Brothers Restaurant/gas station, etc., gave me a ride from Brothers back to Millican to start SAM & ME walk. We began at 8:15am and arrived at Brothers at 12:30 noon.

SAM, as usual, performed flawlessly up nearly continuous hills.,..I judge we climbed about 500 feet in that 17 miles. SAM's solar panels charged "red" bank as "green" did most of the work. Tonight all batteries will be topped off.

Tonight will be cold the mid 20s...but should warm up for our walk. Today I saw our very first "wild" creature...a coyote trying to cross US20. When it saw SAM, it ran back into the sagebrush. As for rattlesnakes, nary a one...perhaps tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Incredible story Bruce. I saw a brief excerpt of what you're doing on the documentary channel. I have bookmarked your blog and plan on following your progress. I'm am 44 years old and I've seen my health start to fail, mostly due to poor decisions/choices I've made in my life. However, just recently I started walking every day when I wake up. (I work nights so most of my walks are in 100 degree weather for now as I live in the Phoenix area) I JUST started about 2 weeks ago and plan on increasing the duration over time. For now the distance is insignificant. I hope to increase it as my body becomes more accustomed to walking and gradually gets back 'into shape'.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share this INCREDIBLE story with us.

    Kind Regards,
