Tuesday, July 20, 2010









Walked a straight 39 miles today...no backtracking...no cheating.

From the hotel in Pocatello, I drove to McCammon, some 28 miles South on US 30. Parked at a Truck Stop along side I-15. Got an immediate ride...and what an interesting ride. A lady of about 60 or so picked me up at I-15 on-ramp...

I just NEVER pick up a hitch-hiker,,,but you somehow looked familiar, it was your age and demeanor...so, I stopped.

I'm sure pleased you did...

I'm Bruce Maynard...

Hi, I'm Marilyn...and I know where I know you from...a Documentary about you and SAM I saw on TV..

Gotta confess, and SAM is in the trailer parked back at the Truck Stop

Marilyn & I had a few things in common, such as she just lost her Husband to Cancer; I, too, lost Christiane...gosh nearly 10 years ago and she still brings me to tears

OK, Bruce...we cry together...

Marilyn let me off in N.W. Pocatello, on the extreme opposite end of town from where I wanted...but, I was enjoying her so much, I said nothing except "Thank You".

Took me 1 hour to walk across town to US 30. It was again hot today...over 100 on the road...reader board said "97".

Except for being incredibly beautiful as the Rocky foothills rose in all directions towering over my head, today's walk was uneventful...just long and hot. One highlight is that every train passing - remember the "Land Bridge" - every Engineer tooted the air horn 2 quick blasts followed by 2 more...word must be getting out to watch for that Old Crazy Guy seeming to show up everywhere.

I got a cramp in my right Calf 1/2 mile from McCammon. I raised my hand to a passing car, which stopped.

Sorry, but I have a cramp...

Ok, need a ride...hop in

(Lady gets out & I fall into the back seat of the 2-door coupe)

Gimmie 5 says a 5 year old sitting next to me...we pick up lots of guys...in respect to Linda, I won't write her response to little Johnnie (my name).

Turns out Mom (Linda) is from Oak Harbor...and I get a hug when Dad, Walt, lets me out next to my Van..

You staying over in McCamon???

Com'on Linda, let him go........

No, think I'll go on over to Lava Hot Springs tonight.

I go into the Truck Stop Mini-store, purchase & down a 32 oz POWERADE while chatting with the Clerk about the heat & my sweltering walk from Pocatello.

Walk out to the Van in the blistering heat, turn around & go back inside. Take my second POWERADE to the Clerk...This one is on me, he says...pretty incredible to walk in this heat all the way from Pocatello...

My name is Chris...I'm going in the Army in 5 weeks,,,Fort Benning,,,perhaps you will walk up that way...

Maybe...and thanks for the POWERADE...no problem...as a State Patrolman whispers something to Chris.

I drive out US 30...WOW...A Super Highway; not that Old road I been walking the past week. Construction of more lanes is underway, as is a new bridge over a river. I park off the road at the exit for Lava Hot Springs & hitch another ride back to McCammon...then walk my final 11 miles for the day.

I then drive to Soda Springs, 21 miles over a 4 mile 5% hill (reminds me of Warm Springs near Madras, Oregon). I take another Motel...today I am sore & quite tired. Andy, the Motel Manager suggests that I take time out to visit the waters of Lava Hot Springs. Andy says that waring Indian tribes always took time out from fighting to recover TOGETHER in Lava Hot Springs...kinda a off-limits Peace Ground...fighting resumed after leaving Lava Hot Springs.

I might just unhook the Trailer tomorrow, drive back to Lava Hot Springs for a night or maybe even two...then attack that big hill.

For now, I take a long soak in the tub...

Tomorrow IS another day.

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