Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 07. 2010

OK, it is tomorrow evening in Adrian, Oregon, a couple miles from Idaho.

July 05, I drove with SAM & a new "small" trailer to Brian's. Met Danielle, a 4th generation stgay at home mom, who chatted the evening away on one of Brian's bar stools...I on another. Danielle informs me that nearly everyone from Bend to Vale, Oregon are somehow SAM & ME walked East the 260 miles, our progress was passed ahead of us.

30 minutes before Sunrise, I started walking sans SAM from Brians. I arrived in Vale 24 miles later at 11:30am and within 10 minutes thummed a ride back to Brians. Walter, a 5th generation rancher, said the valleys were quite pure...i.e.; blood lines, and outsiders were welcome but not encouraged to stay. He raises cattle and onion seed...the seed he sells all ovewr the world. Vale advertises itself as the Onion Capitol of the World.

I packed up the Van, said goodbyes to Brian and his clients...who I also knew by now, and drove back to Vale. On the way, I stopped to chat with another "walker" pushing a cart towards Vale. Jay Brown is a 57 year old reetired History Professor from Eugene, pursueing his long time dream to walk the USA promoting the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

As Jay was styill walking to Vale, I was explaining to the Sheriff, details of the accident which nearly involved me while stopped at a crosswalk. A 10 year old riding his bike quite fast on the sidewalk towards my crosswalk, without looking, sped into the crosswalk and was broadsided by a SUV. The young man was sent flying ten feet or so right toward my driverside door. He hit the ground before hitting me.

I jumped out, told him not to move and what is your name...Rick...OK, what is your name...Rick...Ok Rick, don't feel hurt...No...

A young - 17 or so - girl driving the SUV, kneels next to Rick....Oh F___, Oh, Mom gonna F---ing gonna kill me...Yes, I add...she probably will...Is he hurt...No, I'm not hurt, says Rick...a crowd has now gathered. One calls 911...what is your home phone number...lady dials and says better get down to _______...your Son has been in an better come quick.

Sirens...ambulance pulls up...Rick gets up...Sheriff screeches to a stop, jumps out...shoos the crowd see what happened (to me)...Yes...I tell him...And no helmet...riding on the sidewallk...going too fast...not looking...I got the impression the Sheriff knew Rick. According to Danielle, they are probably related somehow.

There is no blood. Rick looks ok...not skinned crookie legs or arms...nose not scraped off on the pavement. Sheriff says I can go.

So, I drive 5 miles out of Vale toward Adrian, park the Van and walk back to Vale and return to the Van...a total of 10 more miles making it 34 for the day. Then I drive on to a tiny crossroads called Cow Hollow. Cow Hollow has one building, Sunset Restaurant & machine shop. Dick & Darlene serve up home prepared meals, divvy out gas & build or repair your "steel" needs.

Three blocks up Cow Hollow Road is Cow Hollow Park. Dick says...go park at Cow Hollow Park for the has everything...showers, good water, baseball, tennis, badmitten, parking for 30 Mobil Homes, complete with electricity , picnic tables and big shady trees...cost is FREE.

SAM & ME spend the night.

So ends Day 1 back on the road. Tomorrow (today as I write) promises to be equally eventfull.

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