Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 07

Today is July 07. Up at 5am, I am walking again sans SAM back to Vale. I reach the top of Keenen Pass, where one still sees the wagon wheel ruts from the Oregon Trail Wagon Trains which brought some 350,000 folks to Oregon Territory between 1830 and 1889.

Vale was a major Oregon Trail stopover along the banks of the Malheur River. Many of Vale's buildings are colorfully painted with giant murals of Pioneer folks

Keenen Pass is 8 miles from Cow Hollow. I see 5 dead snakes run over...not a single rattler.
I walk back to Cow Hollow. Take out an hour to devour one of Dick & Darlene's home-made Tacos, washed down with a Coors Light.

Coming down off Keenen Pass, I encounter an SUV with a two guys and a woman with her left arm in a sling and a VERY Big Shiner. Road was a mess with skid marks and oil for a hundred feet or so. Looks like someone had an accident here...Yes, ME, says the 40-something good looking woman. Cece, my daughter and I were on our way to the lake with two jet ski's on the trailer...I looked down for the window lever...Cece wanted her window opened & ran off the road into the gravel (gravel was thrown all over the road),,,I get it back on the pavement, but the trailer played crack the whip with my pickup...truck flew through the air, rolling at least three times.

One Jet Ski was split in half. My shoulder was separated, but Cece was not hurt.

Yeah, says the older of the two guys, but my dog got killed...Well, not right away, she adds....

I expressed my sorrow and hurridly walked away.

After the taco, I took SAM out of the trailer and SAM & ME walked the 10 miles to Adrian and back to Cow Hollow...a total of 36 miles for the day.

As we walked back to Cow Hollow, one Ed Price stopped, rolled down his window and Bruce...a statment not a question. Yes, that be me & SAM here. Well, been talking to folks about you and would sure like you to come to our Ranch for the night...Just before Adrian, the big green house with the sign Angus By Price. Thanked Ed & we will look you up a bit later.

Walking with SAM a bit further on towards Cow Hollow, who comes down the road but Jay Brown, also heading for Adrian. We two cart pushers...he from from Bellingham, each following separate uncoordinated paths, meet in the beautiful irrigated valley bordering the Snake River. I flag down the first car to come upon us. A very pretty young girl looks a bit stunned to be stopped (I stood in her way to make sure she stopped). I explain about Jay and I and our carts and our walks...Jay to to Key West...and would you please take our pictures. Kinda like recording a possible historic moment adds Jay. Kiah, pretty name that fit her well, agreed and snapped merrily away on both my and Jay's cameras.

Jay and I then went our own ways, Jay saying I gotta feeling we're gonna meet up again.

We did, when Jay walked his cart into Adrian, I was driving into the Ranch of Ed Price. Told Ed about Jay, who said, we have a bunk house with two bedrooms and you bet he can come too. I drove back into Adrian where Jay was sitting on the loading dock of the granary, munching nuts in the was over 90 degrees.

NO, Jay says...I want to walk into Idaho today. Thank Ed for me, but no thanks.

Jay missed BBQ Angus Rib Steaks done to perfection by Lee, Ed's 15 year old Son. On the veranda, Ed and I sat in comfy spring sprung chairs drinking beer while Lee cooked up the stseaks.

Ed suggested that I walk tomorrow as far as I can. He will come find me somewhere in Idaho at precisely 3 pm and drive me back to his Ranch - for another beer, etc - and then I can drive in the evening to my next leg. Oh, yes, Ed has 100 acres of prime farm land, which is up for sale...he wants to do something new, he says...In Rawlins, Wyoming, where SAM & ME will walk in a few weeks, Ed has a second home & would like to meet up with us there for some more participation in this walk of SAM & ME...which, he says has become his...did he say HERO?

Blow me over...wonder where I will catch up with Jay

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