Thursday, August 26, 2010



This evening I met the very first disagreeable person since starting my walk. I know, I know...count myself fortunate. I won't even give further credibility by going into details.

I am now checked into a motel in the town of EADS, Colorado. Eads looks to be more prosperous than other recent towns...even has a hospital with ER.

Was going to walk this afternoon from Kit Carson to EADS, but the Sun was offensively HOT and seems humidity is entering the picture. Chalk it up to Old Age, Stamina limitations, or laziness, I could not bring myself to do that walk.

Instead I drove the 20 miles on the brand new SUPER HIGHWAY ( I mean it) US 287...WOW.

Half way, I stopped for a hitch hiker, whom I drove - at his request - to the local Police Department...He said "thanks" got out and didn't look back. Said he was from Brooklyn, making the rounds out West selling magazines & became stranded with $10.00 and no way home...

Yeah, Sure

In the morning, I will take to the SUPER HIGHWAY before Ole SOL comes up. Will try to do the entire 20 miles before noon. Seems likely I might be cutting back on actual mileage and turn my afternoons / evenings into local interest events I can find. After all, I have no time restraints, have already demonstrated that us Old Folks can walk the walk...not just talk the talk.

Itchy Scalp update...Driving me crazy again tonight, I checked myself into the ER. Got the Surgeon out of bed...he was nice about it...Mike, the Surgeon, said he sees NO bites, rash, or any other reason I should itch so bad.
He gave me Benedryl & said to get more in the now midnight or so...Mike also said to get Selsyn Blue it is the only one with ingredients to soothe the scalp.
The Nurse mentioned that the motel I checked into is infested with Bed Bugs. So far, I have no bites, but will move out NOW & sleep in the Van.
Boy, Colorado is NOT being kind to me so far...Will have to see what I can do to change that.

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