Friday, August 27, 2010


After another night in the car - bed bugs in the Motel, walked US 287 for 10 miles back toward Kit Catson. Returned to the Motel 5 minutes before 11 am checkout.

Told Lady Manager about all the vermin in my room, no sink stopper, bathtub full of "critters" crawling in and out of the drain, and NO WATER at all out of the Tub faucets. She shruggs...Oh, by the way, you are probably famous around the World because as part of my walk, I report what I do, what I see, people I meet, and conditions people live and work in...of course, I included your slamming your door in my face last evening when I requested a new light bulb...


I walk to my Van, phone Raleigh at the office...She comes screaming out of her office ... GET OUT>>>GET OFF THIS PROPERTY.

I still had two minutes til checkout at 11am, so I stuck my tongue at her, but did move the Van to the Restaurant next door..

Was a full 5 minutes before the Sheriff, his Christmas Tree blazing, pulls up next to me. A crowd instantly gathers.

Hi, Son...seems like we have a problem...

No, Sir, not me...but the Motel Manager could have a bit of one.

Your not the first, but you musta touched a nerve...says you were hounding her...


After 5 minutes...Well, Son (he must be 30 rears younger than me), I heard all about the fugitive thing...and thanks for giving that young man ride in Yesterday...

sorry you are having such bad luck in our State...then again, might be a good thing our law enforcement is looking after citizen welfare...
Yes, but 8 of em, with loaded weapons pointing at me...a bit overdone.

welllll, I wasn't there to see it,,,but you have a good walk...oh, and please pull up a few more feet...your trailer is technically still on Motel property.

He saunters off, turns off the blinking lights & goes into the Restaurant. I pull forward a few feet and go in myself for a bowl of Chili.

Mr UNDERSHERIFF is sitting alone holding a baby... must have been all of 1 month old...

Just another Dotting Grandfather---or perhaps Uncle .

This afternoon, drove half way back to Kit Carson & completed the walk to Eads,

Am driving South on US 287 this evening to some Lakes about 10 miles away...The map shows some kind of camp ground...might be nice.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Bruce - Well, I had my laugh for the day- LOL thinking about you sticking your tongue out at the old hag in the Motel. I'll bet that really got her. It does seem that you are really having a hard time in Colorado. Take care of yourself. Sydne
