Thursday, December 23, 2010


SAM was conceived and born in the warehouse of our use-to-be corporation.

We have fought in every way possible to keep SAM's Home.

Another Company tried to take over SAM's Spaces, leaving a small room for SAM. It is not to be.

It has come to pass that SAM's Home is now being vacated...everything is being stored away in a Storage Unit while SAM & ME complete pre-walking details...then Walk and Roll to Key West and return sometime next Summer...yes, SAM & ME may just turn around and walk back to Bellingham...then again, exploring Europe and Asia seems to be developing interest.

Have retrieved SAM's Trailer - not yet sold - to carry remnants of years of memories into storage. SPIA is also being stored, as is the Motorcycle.

In a few days SAM & ME will be on our way.

New development in the past 36 hours. Left knee is acting up. Perhaps it is associated with the recent surgery. Seems the front part of the Knee Cap is swelling and causing considerable pain. We shall see how it goes ...perhaps see the Surgeon tomorrow for a look-see.

It is raining and blowing in the Pacific Northwest. Watching the long range forecasts to find a window of settled weather which will allow SAM & ME to Walk and Roll from the Peace Arch to near Gray's Harbor, Washington - to get around / thru the Olympic Rain Forest. Need 2 weeks to make that transit.

Actually, temperatures are mild...ranging mid 30 to 45 degrees. Hope it stays that way.

Do not realize how much "stuff" one collects until it has to be moved. Awesome task to sort it all out, pack it up, label the boxes, and store it away until some future unknown date.

May be of interest...10 x 10 foot storage unit and SPIA parking space cost is $480.00 for 6 months.

Have a couple VERY heavy items to move, including a Cast Steel & Ceramic wood-burning stove...+ / - 300 pounds. As I must do it alone, will be a challenge to get it out of the office, into SAM's Trailer...then back out of the Trailer and into the storage unit.

From 1945 thru 1952, our family owned and operated Tri-City Freightlines in KENNEWICK, Washington. We moved freight and household goods all over the Pacific Northwest. So, was well indoctrinated in how to move big awkward stuff. Will find a way to get the job spite of the limitations of not being so young any more...and the developing bum knee.

I am concerned about one thing...the growing difficulties of small Companies to weather the continuing Recession. Government info says recovery is underway...certainly is not the case from this perspective. Learned sources close to ME are projecting another 18 months or so before we even hit the bottom...then the long climb back up. During our Summer trek to near Oklahoma City, be assured that Recession difficulties abounded everywhere SAM & ME walked.

The long lines at the Food Bank and increasingly younger folks joining the "ANYTHING HELPS...GOD BLESS..." cadries on virtually every major intersection corner help tell the story.

And yet...most folks carry a positive attitude.

We shall see...

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