Sunday, December 26, 2010


In our desire to keep abreast of SAM & ME preparations, we offer this update.

SAM's Place is a shambles.

Whereas one week ago SAM had a home until at least March 2012, all that changed in an instant.
The Company assuming our lease was unable to continue. The ball was back in OUR court.

Simply not financially viable to support SAM's Place longer, WE near completion of a total move.

Most things, computers, filing cabinets, furniture, supplies, and a sundry of other items supporting a now non-existent Company, have been given away or offered at bargain basement prices - see Craigs List. Should one drive by SAM's Place today, a number of "FREE" items sit out front for the taking.

By New Year Eve, SAM's Place will be an empty chamber...only memories remaining.

SAM & ME are, of course, disappointed. On the other hand, WE now begin OUR Walk and Roll devoid of tangible burdens...they are gone.

Departing the Peace Arch, SAM & ME will be truly just SAM & ME.

Daunting as it seems to be...departing in the dead of Winter...SAM is ready... ME, too.

SAM & ME will have one and only one goal: TO WALK AND ROLL.

No longer must WE return to care for this or that. WE will miss our friends, family, and supporters...that is certain...but our mission will be: to reach Key West, Florida...and return to Bellingham together.

A matter of interest...WE will have travelled over 7,000 miles together...unless WE Walk and Roll Back - then it will be 10,000 miles...that sounds good to ME.

WE have our entire future to discover new meet new share discoveries on this Blog.

We will do OUR best to be deserving of the following gathered around SAM - a magical creation - & ME - an old man.

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