Sunday, March 20, 2011


Marie Calender Restaurant served up a nice Sunday Brunch...

After returning to NAPA from YOUNTSVILLE, again in the rain, was hungry. Enough Calories on the above plate for three days.

Will soon be in hot dry Desert where breakfast will be whatever I put together...unless someone joins SPIA, SAM & ME.

Want to correct yesterday's omission: I visited a number of "Wine Tastings" between St. Helena and Yountville. Did not take tastes, but did chat with the Host (ess) and left SAM & ME Business Cards...with ONE EXCEPTION:

BEAULIEU VINYARD Tasting Room was catering private party. After chatting with Michael Monahan, Tasting Room Manager, he offered me a taste of B.V. Estate Wine. Thank You, Michael.

After walking a couple miles North from NAPA, Noe offered me a ride to Yountsville. He let me out at Veterans Memorial Park - hey, I'm a thoughtful of Noe -

Walking back along Hwy 128 to NAPA, came across this OAK (?) with a monster Burl.

As I neared NAPA, the rain let up a bit to show off the surrounding hills.
I lived four years near Napa Valley, and NEVER saw such Green Hills. All year 'round, the hills around San Francisco Bay are Brown from lack of water.

In every direction, NAPA Valley is a deep Green.

This is Highway 29 looking South from NAPA to VALLEJO, California.
After walking the back streets thru Napa, I took Hwy 29 all the way into Vallejo.
Had to move SPIA three times.
By the time I arrived in Vallejo about 3:00 pm, the Sun was out...and stayed out the rest of the day.

The hills near Vallejo were also Green.

Along the way, finally got close enough to a Red Winged Blackbird to get a photograph.

Not the best angle...but it kept flying off when I wasn't ready with my camera.

This is our first glimpse of the waters of San Francisco Bay.
We will see the Bay tomorrow when we cross the Martinez Bridge.

There are some nice buildings in Vallejo...but the neighborhoods are very run down...
Every once in a while an "English" sign appears, but most are in Spanish. Many African American also live in Vallejo...something I don't remember from 50 years ago when I lived in the Bay Area .

A Spanish - Type Stairway.

A pleasant to look at Spanish design building.

The Baptist Church. Was Baptised and spoke from the Pulpit of my Baptist Church in Des Moines, Washington some 40 years ago. Have not attended in at least 30 years - except to get married.

I have a keen interest in all Religions, but this is all I have to say about that (F.G.).

A WORSHIP for every denomination. click click
Clear sign good ol' U.S. of A. is becoming more integrated

Walking back to SPIA at the Tall Tree RV Park in North Vallejo, I passed by the locals doing what locals do...a quick snack before bed time

DAILY UPDATE: Walked 28 miles today...count 18 miles
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 18 miles @ $0.02 = $0.36 for the day
As I complete this Blog.\, the Sun has gone down behind the San Marin Hills, and

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bruce. I'm following your every move. I was born in Vallejo and raised there and Benicia and Fairfield. Can't say as I miss it that much but it's great to follow along with you. Keep on truckin' my friend.
