Saturday, March 26, 2011


This evening was as beautiful as they wind...streets full of kids playing and yards full of homeowners enjoying a welcome break from the incessant rain.

These two fellows are homeowners in the town of PATTERSON, CALIFORNIA.

SPIA, SAM & ME are parked for the night in a Patterson neighborhood, having walked some 32 miles today from North of Tracy, California, down California Highway 33 thru WESTLEY, California to Patterson.

Al (bashful al with his eyes closed) and Ja were chatting in the street when I walked up and boldly entered their conversation. Turns out Ja is a retired Marine Special Ops who spent a good deal of time in Naples, Italy, where I lived for over three years. Al (Lams "Al" Gomez) listened a lot and did not give away his life story.

Ja Bier Ortiz, on the other hand, was born on the Texas / Loosiana border from Mexican/American parents. Ja says all folks born on the Texas/Loosiana border are respectfully called "coonass".

Spent a good deal of time with Al and Ja before walking into Town Central of Patterson.

On the road out of Tracy, California, this entrance was spotted on "Bird" Street.

Also on Bird Street was this confusing pair of animals; i.e., galloping horses on the rod iron fence surrounding the entire property...and Goats filling the small pasture beyond. Just like Oklahoma Cows, these Goats rushed to the fence to give Me the once-over.

Some very creative and pleasant looking walls enclose many properties around Tracy.
It was raining extremely hard in early morning...did not take a single photograph of Tracy, California for fear of damaging my Panasonic.
Should have taken a walk last evening when the rain let up for a fit...but, alas, did not.

Orchards are starting to blossom in the San Joaquin Valley. They are carefully attended and present a good impression...just hope all the rain has not denuded the trees of the blossoms before the many bees in hives under the trees did their work.

Of all things...a train rolled by as I walked California Highway 33. This fellow had to see me twice. Shortly after he went by, I received a ride out 8 miles and as I walked back to SPIA, he went by again...AND, I got a TOOT TOOT.

Well, there was not much to take photographs of...and besides, it was raining stink again today.

Highway 33 was a well built road...problem was simply too much rain. I was soaked thru and thru three times today...thank goodness for SPIA and dry clothes to change into.

Water flowing along the roadway of Highway 33.

Center Road is the Actual Center OF California...
Half way between the Oregon Border to the Mexican Border.

Another pristine Orchard. All crop fields were were all roads.

SPIA was parked here for my walk North for 5 miles...then another walk South for 6 miles.

This is the town of PATTERSON, CALIFORNIA...most residents are Mexican/American.
I was VERY impressed at the community (21,000 residents); the streets were spic and span; Children were at play on every street I walked (and I walked so many, I got lost and nearly did not find SPIA)

Click click...children at play in a VERY upscale neighborhood.

A game of Basketball in the street....almost joined them, but they were having a spirited game.

Business District of Patterson, California...did some shopping a copper sponge for SPIA and some breakfast rolls for ME.

This Night Club had its doors open. Music permeated the entire street for the entire block.

A typical Patterson, California home.
I took a long walk through neighborhoods and down town to get a flavor for Patterson. It is really strange I did this, as most towns I walk through, I simply pass through and do not take the time to chat with residents. In Patterson, I did.

Patterson, California City Hall.
Clock is crooky because I was standing almost next to it to take the photograph.

Ja and Al told me that Mr. Patterson, town founder, laid out his town on the pattern of Washington D.C., complete with the center park and streets radially out from the center.
He did such a good job, I got lost trying to find my way back to SPIA.

A most stunning Palm Tree in the Central Town Circle...Pencil Thin reaching to the Heavens.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 32 miles today...received again 5 rides, allowing me to eliminate double walking.
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 32 miles @ $0p.02 = $0.64 for the day.
In the morning, will leave SPIA in Patterson and try to hitch a ride South for 5 miles or so on California Highway 33. Then, resume my Leap-Frog existence towards BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA.
Have tentative plans to meet Peggy (see blog An Afternoon With Alpacas) and her husband for a day or two in San Diego...a short drive South on I-15 from MOHAVE, CALIFORNIA.

1 comment:

  1. Peggy & I hope you do make it ... our door is open to you and I'd love to meet you ... Dave
