Friday, March 25, 2011


Near the end of my 8 mile walk from Byron, three Geese raised a ruckus as I walked past. This goose was particularly vocal and looking for a fight. She stuck her head through the chicken wire fence and reached for my hand...I thought she wanted to be petted...SHE BIT ME !

So much for female Gooses...or is it Geeses
Drove SPIA away from Dick and Shannon's about 11:00 am day before yesterday (March 23, 2011). Stopped for Gas and a bit of food. Also stopped at Ace Hardware where I purchased a third Propane Tank (this one 5 gallons) and filled it up. It sits behind my driver's seat. If it blows, I'll never know it.
Then drove back to Concord Street where I walked before visiting Dick and Shannon.
It was raining a torrent. The streets were running full...up to 3 inches deep. Stopped on a side street in town, parked, and started walking. After 2 blocks, I was drenched from the rain itself, but mostly from passing vehicles throwing up waves of water...some clear over my head. I retreated to SPIA and drove out of downtown Concord towards CLAYTON,California, a suburb of Concord. Again parked SPIA and walked for 30 minutes back into Concord. Returning to SPIA, I was again dripping from inside and outside.
Drove SPIA to Clayton & parked. Walked for 15 was useless. The streets were running over the curbs with rivers of water...the sidewalks were flooded from every driveway and side street.
Drove to the city limits and parked in a wide spot on Marsh Creek Road. In the morning, this was the creek 20 feet in front of SPIA.

Was still raining hard in the morning. Walked back into Clayton,California anyway, passing this unique Dog Run ... a City Playground just for Dogs.

Returning to SPIA, drove out 4 miles over the steep hill I walked up last night after walking into Clayton. Parked SPIA again and immediately received a ride back up the hill. Walked down to SPIA and again moved to a wide spot on Marsh Creek Road. We parked in front of Diablo Valley Ranch, pictured above.

It actually stopped raining for over one hour in the morning. Mt. Diablo came out of the clouds to offer this photograph opportunity.
Mt. Diablo is about 3,000 feet high, the tallest of a short range of mountains running North and South behind - to the East - of OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. Dick drove us up to the top a few years ago where there are visitor facilities. Mt. Diablo is very important to the locals.

Clouds soon moved in again hiding Mt. Diablo Summit.

Marsh Creek Road runs North and South from Clayton to Byron. As the area has built up with new communities, it is heavily travelled. Narrow, winding, and no Berm at all, Marsh Creek Road has numerous rock slides and dirt slides from the steep slopes.
It is by far the most dangerous road I have ever walked.

It rained so hard two days ago passing through Concord and Clayton, that I could not take a single photograph. It was raining off and on today...when it rained, it was a cloudburst. My camera shutter will not fully open and close because of the dampness...see the shadow in the lower right.

High on the hillsides are some very attractive homes.

Some rather nice ones in the valleys also...this one with swimming pool

The hills along Marsh Creek Road are intense green...
Notice the water hydrant...way out here in the mountains...many fires sweep these hills when the Summer heat turns everything tinder dry and brown.

The next hill is more beautiful than the last hill.

Most hills are so steep, grazing animals have cut terraces into the hillsides.

Not many large communities in these valleys...usually single homes or small ranches.

Mr. Tracy, a dedicated runner - including marathons - kindly gave me a ride back North on Marsh Creek Road...thanks for the ride...saved me an hour of backtracking.

Many hillsides have pipes coming out of the sides. These are to relieve the internal water pressure to prevent land slides.

Many ranches have their animals running loose...they all have mesh fences, however, to keep them close to home.

The big problem this week is flooding Creeks. Many driveways are overflowing with fast running flood waters, such as the one above.

The same Creek a bit farther down the hills. Another driveway under water.

This is a Miniature Mule...he was curious and wanted a close look at me as I walked by.
Kinda cute, huh?

The many lush green hills along Marsh Creek Road.

A rare grape vineyard in the hills.
Coming out of these hills, there are many large vineyards.

Another of the often too many such memorials...this one to "MOM"

The herd of beef cows were intently watching me as I walked past.
I was interested in the unusual tree with the hole in the trunk.

And more green hills along the Creek.

Exiting the mountains, I came upon the rather large group of sheep.

Finally, I reached the town of Byron.
March Creek Road ended in roadway is J 4, South to TRACY, CALIFORNIA, 14 miles away from Byron.

I walked South on J 4 for 8 miles today. Am staying the night in Tracy and will walk the missing 6 miles in the morning.

A street in Byron, California.

Three geese were very vocal at me as I walked by. The lady in front was particularly eager to shoo me away...even bit my finger when I reached to her head thrust through the chicken wire fence.

California Highway J 4 heading South to Tracy, California.

Nice wide shoulder - Berm - to walk safely.

Highway J 4.

Click Click...see the fishermen on this California Aqueduct.

The Main California Aqueduct..

California is in great need of large volume of water. Talk has been heard of tapping the Columbia River to fill that need.

DAILY REPORT: Yesterday and Today, walked 34 miles
SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 34 miles @ $0.02 per mile = $0.68 for the day.
In the morning, will walk back North on J 4 the 6 miles I came up short today. Then, will head South on J 4 down the Big Valley.

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