Monday, July 4, 2011

DAY 169: MADISON - I-10 & US 90, FLORIDA

Again I came to the rescue of a tortise (land turtle) walking across a busy US 90. This one was not so trusting as she pulled in head and feet and would not budge for me. I picked her up from the center of the highway with lots of traffic coming both ways and carried her the rest of the way into the grass about five feet from the macadam.l

A number of Armadillo were not so lucky.

Parking at the Convenience Store was a good choice. It closed early and the night was quiet. Atg daybreak, I thanked the just-opened store owner and drove SPIA West out of the town of MADISON, FLORIDA, to the State Patrol Office which was closed down last week.

I then walked West on US 90 for 3 miles and returned to SPIA, but did not stop. Kept walking back into MADISON and returned to SPIA. Needed to do this as I stopped walking short of town last night to go find a place to park for the night.

Then drove back into town where I stopped at McDonalds for a Egg McMuffin. Was invited to sit with two gentlemen in suits, and ensued a 1-hour discussion...a VERY DEEP discussion as the two gentlemen were the head of the local Jehovah Witness Church.

Then drove SPIA a mile East out of town on US 90 and again parked (above photograph). Then proceeded to walk East and back to SPIA for 12 miles.

Noah and Briana showed up as I returned to SPIA. They had driven over 100 miles back to TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA where a hotel room was reserved for them.

During the rest of the day, Noah and I walked many miles together...Briana following along or rushing ahead 1/2 mile, parked and waited for us. Two or three times I had to break off the walk and walk alone back to retrieve SPIA.

By the end of the day, we reached the I-10 / US 90 intersection. I again walked back to SPIA as darkness was falling. Noah and Briana drove 30 miles ahead to LAKE CITY, FLORIDA where another hotel room awaited them.

Editor's Note: I am parked alongside US 90 about 2 miles West of the I-10. It is VERY dark and someone is shooting a big caliber revolver somewhere to my left...IN PITCH BLACKNESS. Hope he does not hit us.

During my second walk - before Noah showed up - I stopped to chat with this gentleman, Mr. Finneman, retired from the Win-Dixie Grocery Chain.

Please say HELLO to Mr. Finneman.

Noah and I also walked through the tiny villages of LEE, FLORIDA.

As the afternoon came to a close, Noah and I walked the US 90 Bridge spanning the SWANEE RIVER ... Way Down Upon The Swanee River, Far Far Away...etc.

Old US 90 Bridge over the Swanee River.

US 90 as I was walking West back to SPIA. It was getting dark.

Editor Update: Shooting continues, only now from different compass points - still to my left - and with two or three different weapons. This is not nice !

DAILY UPDATE: Walked 21 miles today.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 21 miles @ $0.02 = $0.42 for the day.

In the morning, will drive SPIA beyond I-10, park, and again walk East on US 90. Noah and Briana will once again join me in the morning and we will walk / run together all day. The next day, they continue on US 90 to JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA. I will change to US 100 which takes a South East direction to the Atlantic Ocean.

Editor's Update: Forgot that tonight is July 4th. I now think those "shots" are fire crackers.

I must be getting old.

Further Editor's Update: from out of the woods comes an old man yelling...hey you in that motor GET OFF MY LAND...I asked for a reason ...If I shoot with you with this gun would you lesave...The banter went on for a minute or so...The Sheriff is on the way to throw you off my land...I want no one I don't know on my land. I agreed that I was leaving. Not seeing too well in the inky blackness, I drove SPIA to I-10, saw white sand off the road and cautiously pulled into a empty sandy place. Don't know what this is or where I am for that matter; trust I will be OK till morning.

FEAR is everywhere I go. My discussion with the two Religious men this morning mainly circled round and round the aspect of FEAR.

Something is in the air...something I do not fully understand...something I am not comfy with.

1 comment:

  1. You take care.. I don't like this fear business!!! Be alert.
