Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have been waiting for this photograph to appear. This is a "wild" grove of Cypress Trees growing next to US 90 near the town of LIVE OAK, FLORIDA. Down the road a couple miles is another such grove. They seem to thrive in shallow depressions where water is first to collect during a rain - personally, I bet there is an artisan (underground) spring at that spot.

Talking to the gentlemen with his Manufactured Home business next to this grove, there are MANY artisan springs near by. The water sometimes gets several feet deep at the grove...other times, he says he walks around the trees with the ground bone dry.

Another view of the Cypress Grove.

A ;home in the town of LAKE CITY, FLORIDA.

Today, I changed my walk tactics. Parked SPIA and walked West (backward) for 45 minutes (3 miles) and return to SPIA. Then moved SPIA 5 or 6 miles, parked and repeated the walking process. Psychologically, I found it easier to walk in the "correct" direction returning to SPIA. Also, the humidity is so intense as to limit the time I wish to be away from SPIA.

Noah has his vehicle available within two or three minutes. I usually had to walk for one to two HOURS to reach SPIA. Having SPIA close by does give me a "lift".

A picturesque shed near LAKE CITY, FLORIDA. Noah and I both walked / ran today about 24 miles, with LAKE CITY our final stop. Tomorrow morning, Noah & Briana take US 90 on to the Atlantic Ocean and an exciting finish of his cross-country run on Saturday at 4:00 pm. I will be thinking of him. I, on the other hand, take US 100 in the morning. I will reach the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday or Monday...then turn South on US 1 or State A1A towards TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA and on to KEY WEST, FLORIDA. ETA at KEY WEST is August 01, 2011.

Noah and Briana treated me to dinner this evening, as it will be our last day together. We have walked / run nearly together for 3,000 miles - all the way from the California / Arizona border to LAKE CITY, FLORIDA. Being only 24 to 48 hours apart over such a long distance, it is a wonder we did not bump into one another long ago.

Noah and Bruce during our final few moments together. Great dinner, Noah (and Briana)...and my most humble thank you to your Sister Lauren, your Mom Deborah and Step Dad Kevin for your combined gifts to SAM & ME.

A final wave goodbye, as Briana drives Noah to their hotel and a much deserved shower and rest.

How can I ever thank you both. My most cherished wish of my walk has been fulfilled these past 72 hours with you....to share our crossing of North America...it does get lonely our here.

The most beautiful place without sharing is just another place. Sharing is what makes it beautiful.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 6 legs totaling 24 miles.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: 24 miles @ $0.02 - $0.48 for the day.

Tomorrow is another day...Gone With The Wind.

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