Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Please say HELLO to Robert. Robert was soaking up some early morning Sun sitting next to a Labor Office. Says he broke his arm. Robert didn't say much, but was pleased to have his photograph included.

Early this morning, drove from our parking spot in an old RV Park on the West end of LAKE CITY, FLORIDA, to the East side of town where US 90 and US 100 split apart. Walked back into town for 3 miles and returned, hoping I would run into such luck. So, I telephoned him that we were ready to start down US 100.

Setting up events for Saturday's celebration of his run across America, Noah has few spare moments, so I let him go with good wishes.

Passing the LAKE CITY Water Tower as I left town. It was 9 am local time.

A couple miles on US 100, came upon a construction zone. There were 8 working crew members and 3 road guards directing traffic ... all to fix the hole above in the drainage ditch.

One of the three road guards...he offered me a bottle of ice water...I NEVER refuse water when offered.

The Back Hoe Operator was good...he moved that big bucket with precision as the rest of the crew watched.

Eventually, a crewman with a shovel spread a bit of sand around in the ditch...while the rest watched.

When I returned 1.5 hours later, the entire crew was busy in the ditch setting two 2 x 4 beams, getting ready to pour a new section of Drainage Ditch.

Had several thoughts about the crew size...especially only a couple days after the Florida Governor fired over 2,000 technical State Employees.

Priority system working at its best.

Ran into three factories for Manufactured Homes such as the one above.

This was a strange find...a large wood processing mill in the center of Florida...the mill is from Idaho. I went in to get some details, but no one would speak with me.

US 100 in the village of LULU, FLORIDA...a whistle stop village about 10 miles South of LAKE CITY. Parked SPIA here while I walked first North...and then South...on US 100.

The next town to the South is LAKE BUTLER, FLORIDA, some 21 miles South of LAKE CITY.

Intended to stay in LAKE BUTLER for the night, but could find NO place to park SPIA. So, drove another 14 miles South to the town of STARKS, FLORIDA, which has a Wal*Mart. We checked in to Customer Service to get parking authorization and are now snug for the night.

SPIA parking spot in LULU. Not a single home is visible from US 100. There is this large well maintained City courts, basketball courts, picnic pavilion (under cover), and a large Baseball Diamond. The only commercial building was a convenience store, where I purchased something to drink.

SPIA in LULU City Park. No one else was to be found...just SPIA and me.

LULU General Store; the ONLY building in town except for the large City Park.

An old Railroad Trestle over a large creek...only, there was no water running in the creek. Another indication of lack of water in Northern Florida.

This puddle is about 10 feet long and 4 feet wide. It is isolated, having no running water in the creek. Look for an alligator, but did not see any. A few fish were milling around in the shallow water...having only a few more days before this too dries up.

LAKE BUTLER in the town of LAKE BUTLER. A large City Park is behind the camera. Signs are everywhere giving restrictions...DO NOT (do this)...DO NOT (do that). NO ONE was in the park.

This sign was partially hidden in a grove of trees fronted by encroaching brush. Unique in that I had NEVER before seen anywhere in the South, recognition of the Slavery which led to the Civil War.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 27 miles today

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 27 miles @ $0.02 = $0.54 for the day.

I am NOT pleased this evening...after cutting my walking short to drive an extra 30 miles to find a place to park for the night. The confrontation two nights ago, where I was threatened in the dark to be SHOT with "this" gun if I did not shut up talking and get the hell off "my" private property.

I am becoming uneasy about walking in Florida. I will continue, but I don't have to like it.

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