Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Bob left for work while it was still dark. SPIA followed him 10 minutes later.

We drove North on US 1 to the small village of MIMS, FLORIDA. Found a spot to park, left our usual note about who were are, why we are parking there, and approximate time of our return.

I started walking North towards DAYTONA, FLORIDA, some 35 miles away. After 5.5 hours, I returned to SPIA soaking wet inside and out...all from perspiration from the early morning heat and humidity. Walked about 20 miles (10 miles out & 10 miles back to SPIA).

The above photograph was taken as the Sun rose, only to be muted by thick fog which did not burn off until two hours later.

Most of the topography along this portion of US 1 is thick vegetation topped by lush Palm Trees.

Once in a while an open cultivated field pops up, such as the one above. A farmer was MOWING this entire field with a tractor pulled mower - just like DOT uses to mow the Right Of Way of highways.

Florida has not avoided the Manufactured Home craze. This "Pinewood Village" appears to be all Manufactured Homes.

Again, much of US 1 is built of land-fill through the center of marsh.

This evening, local TV did a "special" on Hurricanes...the low-lying land reaching into the center of Florida...and preparedness kits to survive this year's predicted more-than-normal active Hurricane Season.

Frankly, I am surprised there have not been any Hurricanes as yet. Just hope I get to KEY WEST and back out before such an event.++I have been in numerous Hurricanes both in Florida and in NEW YORK CITY area. One of my yachts was sunk and destroyed by Hurricane "David" some years ago in NEW ROCHELLE HARBOR, NEW YORK - 10 miles North of downtown MANHATTAN.

But, for these Goats, life goes on as usual. I walked up to their fence and the whole bunch of them came running to be petted...light strokes from tip of nose up between their eyes...they just love that.

I mentioned in earlier Blog the unpaved nature of side roads. I was surprised today to walk on US 1 past many such unpaved roads. It reminded me of the nature of the roads in the Great Plains of Colorado last summer...magnificent Boulevards and Freeways in populated areas and mud-holes out in the boondocks. In this, the center of Space Exploration, 9 out of every ten side roads off US 1 are plain unpaved dirt.

Equally surprising - well perhaps not SO surprising - are the large number of homes and businesses lying empty and un-used along this, the main Rural Artery of Florida's Eastern Seaboard.

A typical gas / convenience store to be found along US 1. Regular 87 Octane Gas was selling at $3.61 a gallon...some stations charged as much as $3.69.

This sign advertised a fishing / RV resort one mile away on the Intercoastal Waterway - which runs all the way to New York Harbor.

This business advertised 'BAIT" for fishermen.

This fellow hailed me from across the divided highway of US 1...Hey, take my picture, please. I walked out into the traffic lane, ignoring passing vehicles and obliged him. Should have walked on over for a chat...always thinking of closing the barn door AFTER the horse has already run away.

The vehicles slowed and moved to the other lane for me...wearing the Yellow Vest has it's advantages...I am often taken for a DOT worker.

DAILY REPORT: Walked 20 miles the first leg. Moved SPIA twice after that - each time North toward DAYTONA, FLORIDA, walking two hours each time. Total for the day = 36 miles...yes, I walked 36 miles today in 107 degree temperature - according to the TV weather report.

SEE YOUR IMPACT.ORG: Credit 36 miles @ $0.02 = $0.72 for the day.

Tomorrow I will say Goodbye to Bob and Karen and thank them for their wonderful hospitality.

But first, must do some clothes washing and sweep out SPIA...their yard is mostly sand. Sand is EVERYWHERE in Florida...surpassed only by the number of biting bugs. I wore walking shorts the past two days and my legs are a mass of bites...even so I used bug spray liberally all day.

Will drive to COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA about noon. Harry's son, Michael is expecting me at their COCOA BEACH home later in the afternoon. Hope to get out to Cape Canaveral to take some photographs to post. First, though, must walk for a couple hours to complete the Causeway Crossing.

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