Friday, July 15, 2011


Four days it has been since I was welcomed into the TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA home of Niece Karen & Bob.

Finally, got a photograph of Karen & Bob together...these two are so busy all the time, was difficult to get them to slow down for a sec..

Karen and Bob have been so gracious to me during my stay. Bob has a bit of a "hitch in his get-along" (right leg), but sure doesn't slow him a bit.

Perhaps I will see them again on my return walk FROM KEY WEST, FLORIDA in a few weeks.


Photograph taken as I walked from Highway A1A just South of the CAPE CANAVERAL Cruise Ship Terminal.

An in credible moment for me to return to this spot after 50 years...walking over 6,000 miles to do so.

COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA. 50 years ago, vehicles drove up and down this beach.

Swimmers enjoying CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDA Beach - a town that did NOT exist 50 years ago - under watchful eyes of a passing Ocean Freighter...see top background.

Where open fields and forest lined the ocean a half century ago, stand tall Condominiums lining the Atlantic Ocean so many Sentries on guard duty.

Please say HELLO to the COONEY Family:

Michael, Catrell, Mattie (friend), and Harrison, one of three Sons. The twins are away on a Florida State Beach Guard Competition.

Mattie, Bruce & Harrison

Michael, Catrell & Bruce

Michael and Catrell Cooney.

These two have extensively travelled the entire world for many years. Their Sons accompanied them on a many month's trip, which has now inspired the boys to go traveling on their own. Rich folks? I think not...just made the decision to sell all theirs possessions and go see the world,. .which they still do with their Company COONEY WORLD ADVENTURES...A Full Service Travel Agency at

Have a feeling we will be meeting again down the road.

Thanks for the stimulating conversation, good Mexican dinner, and a parking place for SPIA for the night.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce, You are the most extraordinary person I have ever met, and I have met some pretty amazing people during my nearly 53-years on this planet. It is so refreshing to speak with someone of like-mind and who understands the benefits of travel, and how it can change your life forever. Whether it's across the US or an around the world trek as we did with our three teenage sons, the benefits and experiences can never be taken away. And as I mentioned, our mantra is "Travel is the ultimate education.", which Morgan, Zach and Harrison have found to be true in ever respect. Safe travels, and we hope to see you on your return trek.
