Thursday, August 4, 2011


I don't have to remind anyone that it is HOT here in Georgia, where I am walking.

I read on the news that three athletes have recently passed out and subsequently died.

It is MUCH hotter walking on the macadam than the posted temperature.

Today and the next few days are forecast to continue HOT.

Yesterday I tried to walk. After 5 minutes I was drenched in sweat..and although not admitting it, was nauseous and a bit disoriented. Returning to SPIA,, I tried to cool down with ice water foot bath a and ice cold towels. Having no electrical power could not run the air conditioner..the itty bitty fan did help.

After my second - longer - walk, a had to fight not to pass out. I was very fortunate to find Paul, who has generously allowed use of his electricity.

This morning I have awakened - after an uncomfortably hot night - again, itty bitty fan helped - but did not use the air conditioner because it made unfamiliar loud noise - I have awakened light headed and nauseous.

I do feel I have found the limit this old body was searching for.

I have walked since MOHAVE (the town), California until yesterday in near or over 100 F. temperatures across the Southern United States Deserts, through intense humidity since leaving Texas, for the most part alone without support...except the kind following & encouragement from YOU...and without funds to seek shelter and nourishment.

*-I feel I must, for the moment, call it a day. I will try to find a place where electrical power is available at all times; a place where I will not burden others.

I am not giving up reaching OKLAHOMA CITY.

Consider SPIA, SAM & ME as a ship caught in a storm...we must find a safe haven to ride it out. The alternative is clear...lose the ship.

So, NO walking today.

1 comment:

  1. Take it easy Bruce. The road is not going anywhere. Taking a break for a few days will do you good. Your body has been screaming at you take it easy, and you are not listening. You need to be fit and well to keep inspiring all of your followers.
