Thursday, August 4, 2011


After this morning update, hung around Doug's Company, TRAILCO OF FLORIDA, trying to shake the cobwebs. Still having dizzy moments and nausea when moving quickly. After much thought, have considered that I may have a concussion from my head hitting the floor Saturday when I toppled over. No headaches, but equilibrium is a bit out of kilter.

Avoiding sudden moves, seems to be OK. So, drove SPIA towards the next large town, DOTHAN, ALABAMA. Crossed the Chattahoochee River into Alabama; about 5 miles further on, came to the village of ASHFORD, ALABAMA, which had a small sign with a "RV" image. Followed the signs to the Shallow Creek RV Park, where SPIA is snugged in for two nights. Shallow Creek RV Park is a full service park - even a nice swimming pool - for $22.00.

Slept most of the day. Cooked up some lunch/dinner, and am enjoying SPIA's Air Conditioner.
The A/C acted strange last evening - and again when I tried it this morning - when Doug's large Air Compressor started up, it apparently drew down the electrical power, knocking out SPIA's Air Conditioner Compressor Motor. It is now running very nicely on Shallow Creek RV Park 30-amp power.

My twisted left leg - from the fall - is still quite tender and sore when walked on....5 days later. Apparently did a good job on it. A couple more days rest will be helpful to avoid any long term damage.

As the Sun drops behind the Western tree line of this gnat infested inferno - 107 F with 75 % humidity today - am getting hungry again...a good sign.

SPIA's floor and seat cushion under the Ice Chest became soaked this afternoon. Turns out I did not close the drain plug ice melted, water simply ran out the open drain. Now, that is not a concussion result...that is just plain dumb. After adding ice yesterday afternoon, the Ice Chest is at the moment (8:15 pm local) still over half full with NO water in the bottom as it is all on SPIA's floor. At least my added insulation is working.

See, just gotta get back to walking. This sitting around is dull as all get out.

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