Wednesday, August 17, 2011


We were welcomed to our (last night) overnight spot by the local Sheriff in his spiffy 4-wheeler pick up truck.

SPIA down for the night with an abandoned home in the background. This was a very busy street with vehicles coming and going all night long.

US 84 is a bit magical...lush forest growth, undulating hillocks, and friendly drivers...a real pleasure to walk...and to drive also. Every vehicle seems to look out for each other.

Some hills a rather steep...tough on a cranky ankle, but far too inviting to just sit around feeling sorry for oneself.

The water in this quickly flowing stream is crystal clear. The bottom soil is a deep nearly blood-red. No sign of varmints or critters.

One might say US 84 is often times nearly sensual...

But, one must work for it...

Isolated, but picturesque home. With the advent of the new power mowers - nearly everyone in Alabama has one - expansive lawns are always cropped neatly...truly park setting for most homes.

But, sometimes, the greatest of dreams are left behind.

Water clarity is really astounding. This stream is flowing quite quickly with the bottom clearly visible through the water.

A rare open Forest Glen.

This is the Package Store, Night Club, Mini 5 & Dime, all owned and operated by the lovely lady in the next photograph.

Please say HELLO to Kristie.

Kristie and I chatted for nearly three hours between my two walks today. Kristie, owns and operates all three businesses under a single roof.

Single for many years, Kristie has nursed first her Father, then her Mother, then her Brother 'til each passed away...and now "Mother's" her Grand Daughter. Business is not what it used to be says Kristie...but we are managing. Hard stuff and Beer is not exactly what I would choose, but that is what I have to bring in a living.

Our discussion spent a lot of time on "religion"...the history of; the significance of; the coming startling events of; and, when looked at from the broader "world - and beyond" perspective... anticipate awesomeness of.

About being "single"...Oh, I often ponder the idea of someone coming into my life to grow old with; but, I am pleased with myself as I am. If "He" appears, he would be welcomed and cherished...if not, I can handle it.

* * * * *

Yes, I have many new-found friends on my walk...please add Kristie to your good wishes list.

SPIA has driven to the crossroads of BOLINGER, ALABAMA, where the EXXON Truck Stop has kindly given us a place with electricity for the night.

Tomorrow, we walk the final 8 miles to the Mississippi / Alabama border. The next larger town is WAYNSBORO, MISSISSIPPI, about 20 miles away. We should make WAYNSBORO by tomorrow evening.

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