Thursday, August 18, 2011


During the 1800s, the Westward Movement resulted in a number of "Trails": The Santa Fe Trail,The Oregon Trail, the Cumberland Trail. US 84 follows the path of the EL Camino East/West Corridor.

Awoke this morning with great expectations to walk over 30 miles. Result: 12 miles.

Did reach the Mississippi border. Drove on to WAYNESBORO, MISSISSIPPI...did some shopping at WALMART, and tried to find the meeting place arranged by Kristie, who was to lead SPIA to her home in WAYNESBORO for another night with electrical plug in. Turns out there are five such meeting spots, all fitting the description...and yes, we missed each other.

So, drove SPIA back to US 84, where we have found a place for the night - sans electricity.

A church near the Alabama / Mississippi border.

A home with a reflective lake out front.

Fisherman making the rounds to favorite spots.

He made a fine cast...a fish broached next to where his lure hit the water...but, alas, no fish.

Creeping vines cover anything that does not move out of the way.

A Crepe Paper model hanging in the entry of an Antique Shop.

Like Rubber Soldiers, the Trash Cans await the Garbage Truck.

A much maligned newspaper box.

Even though sparsely populated, US 84 sports many power poles with powerful transformers.

MacMillan Bloedel Timber Company appears to have been active in the South some 35 years ago. See no current evidence of their involvement.

Logging trucks / trailers pass by on US 84 every 30 seconds or so. A number of "retired" logging trailers can be seen rusting away in roadside fields. There are at least a dozen such trailers in the above field alone.

An obvious Tree Farm...these are Pine Trees...I would say about 25 years old.

One of many logging roads. Not a single side road is paved.

Logging trucks are coming empty.

and, returned loaded.

Please say HELLO to Robby, manager of the 84 Truck Service Center, where SPIA has been graciously given a spot for the night.

As I parked SPIA, a gentlemen - turned out to be "Dan", walked over from his Mobile Home some 300 feet away. Dan rents from Tim, Owner of the property.

Dan waited patiently as I explained who, what, why, and by whom authorized to park in his front yard.

Dan , deadpan expression, would be a natural for a part in the "Munsters", comments:

Don't go near WAYNESBORO without your gun. There are some tough dudes there who are looking for trouble...LAUREL, MISSISSIPPI, the next large town is no better...but I don't have a gun...well, go get one !!!

Be extra careful on the new 4-lane highway just opened this Monday. The local drivers are oblivious (not Dan's word) of others and are out to kill you.

Be careful of the tiny mosquitoes. They carry the West Nile in Clark County has already died from them....these are the "tiny" guys, one of which bit me two days ago as I chatted with the Sheriff...this morning, 36 hours later, that little guy's sting was swollen, red, and painful. Put Silver ointment on it.

AND, don't go out at night. From here to the mail box up there - pointing about 200 feet from SPIA to US 84 - eight Rattlesnakes have been killed this year along our driveway...the biggest had 14 rattles (when the Rattlesnake is a year older, it sheds it's old skin, leaving a "rattle"at the end of it's tail; i.e., one rattle per year of age).

Was about to take another stroll out on US is only 3:00 pm local...but have decided to stay INSIDE SPIA, all screens tightly shut...and not on your life do I intend to wander around after dark. Rattlesnakes down in these parts can reach 8 feet or longer...yikes !

And people CHOOSE to live here !

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