Friday, August 19, 2011


LAUREL, MISSISSIPPI is a pleasant surprise...a city of old charm.

Note the bell tower silhouette before a setting Sun.

Am having considerable trouble with the key board...humidity shorts the key contacts.

Rattlesnake you suppose Dan has been pulling my leg??? No snakes, no guns, no vehicles out to kill me. Quite a pleasant day in fact.

US 84 at Sunrise...when I began my first walk...a stroll of 16 miles with NO IBU and have paid all day.

Humidity so thick, felt heavy on my shoulders carrying it around all morning.

A tractor pulling a grass mower...driver was excited to have his picture taken.

Bovine in a Draw.

Ranch house.

and another.

The ever present Church.

I like the iron work...very appropriate for the deep South.

Lake Bogue Homo; about 5 miles East of LAUREL, MISSISSIPPI.

I could spend some time here...very serene and tranquil.

A pic of some merit.

Lily Pads in bloom.

A Bumble Bee with his tongue sucking up he exited the bloom, he smacked into my eye fault...I was too close.

If you Click click the photograph to enlarge it, you can clearly see the flower POLLEN clinging to the Bee's legs. As he flits from flower to flower gathering the nectar (honey), he carries the Pollen along too. This is how Bees help Mother Nature pollinate her flowers. Such a process is critical, for example, to pollinate the blooms of fruit trees (apples, pears, etc).

A nice picture of SPIA at Lake Bogue Homo, Mississippi.

US 84 as it transits LAUREL, MISSISSIPPI.

The Streets of LAUREL, MISSISSIPPI are so convoluted, it is impossible for a stranger to find the way. Mostly streets curve every which way - often ending in "surprise" dead-end, but mostly, there are few if any Street Signs to follow.

Curve 200 feet away.

Two curves...and NO street signs...and this is US 84.

LAUREL Town Center...note the Brick pavement.

A downtown intersection.

The Main Drag...all downtown streets are in Red Brick.

Forget the name of this raised Rotunda, but LAUREL has a nice one.

and next to it, a picturesque fountain.

YES, laurel, MISSISSIPPI has class.

This Mural is painted on The ODD FELLOWS Building. Some streetcar tracks are still identifiable.

Logs still pass through the streets; albeit on 18-wheelers.

A distinguished City Hall.

An "I don't know what" building, but would be at home on Pennsylvania Avenue, WASHINGTON D.C.

The Bell Tower - in silhouette in our initial photograph.

Today did 16 miles early on; another 10 out by Lake Bogue Homo, and 4 or 5 more around LAUREL.

A live performance of Alice In Wonderland is playing at the local Theatre. Opted to do our blog this evening. Considering staying one more night in LAUREL to see it tomorrow...

In 23 miles will leave us 84. Will switch to US 49 taking us North West to VICKSBURG on the Mississippi River...the site of the famous Civil War Battle.

A local Businessman, Michael, has allowed SPIA to stay in his parking lot tonight.

Thank you, Michael.

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