Walked the 12 miles between the two late in the morning. Slept in after the all-night marathon producing yesterday's Blog.

Here are a couple more as we near MCGEE.

Not that there is no town central...there is, and a very fine one. It is just that most business has moved out of town to across the tracks where unending Strip Mall has sprung up along US 49, leaving old down town to the Churches, City Hall, and Funeral Home.

SPIA spent the night parked in a shady corner of this parking lot.

Interesting the two denominations have found comfort so close to one another.

Felicia, Store Manager of Freds, where SPIA parked, said this area only a year or two was considered to be out in the sticks. Growth has been quick long US 49. There are a couple major companies, such as Polk's Pork Processing, two famous chicken raising companies, and a new major insurance company just moved in. MAGEE is not withering...it is growing by leaps and bounds...just moved West a bit to where the traffic is.
Oh, yes...two years a Tornado took out a major business...and only a short distance from where SPIA is parked...do not look forward to having to avoid one of them guys...but then, the first Hurricane of the season is now nearing Florida. Yesterday, Julius told me his 150 acre home spread suffered considerable damage from a recent Hurricane...and he is not even near the coast.
Sad to see SR 28 left behind. It was one of the more interesting roadways recently walked.
We now head North on US 49 to JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI...then pick up US 80, which heads West parallel to I-20 as we cross the Mississippi River at VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI.
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