Saturday, October 1, 2011


It may be asked what does the above photograph have to do with my walking...

My reply: To embark into the unknown, the above photo - and the ones which follow - are what has been left behind. This is the "cost" to seek horizons beyond the comfort of my home...

I am asked what I think about alone for months on end crossing blistering deserts...

MEMORIES: Memories one takes one can take memories away.


I may not be allowed to have another, but I have this one to remember.

Christmas Eve, 2008, BELLINGHAM, home. Fiance' and live-in companion since 1998...the lady who sent me out of my home...the lady who...the lady...the

Christmas Eve, 2008...yes those are real candles on our Christmas Tree...and the photo on the mantel is Brian, a young man of whom I am immensely proud.

and, there walks Harre, my 84 years old is directing my dismantling of his RV.

Yesterday, we made the first cut into Harre's RV. Today, we continued dissecting it.

The camera is in the back bedroom, already removed to the scrap heap.

On the left is the "Kitchen". On the immediate right is the refrigerator and pantry closets.

forward of the Kitchen is the Bathroom. The living room and "cockpit" is forward.

We have now removed the roof. It was quite a job. We removed the air conditioners and vents. Using an electric heavy duty saw, we cut the roof behind the cockpit from side to side. We then attached a stout rope through one of the skylights and led it over the top to the back where Harre tied it to his Pickup truck...

PRESTO: Just like opening a tin of pickled fish, the aluminum top peeled back away from the walls landing on the old bedroom platform.

Walls forward are still standing, but not for long.

The refrigerator was next to go. We removed all connections, pipes, vents, etc. I gave it a mighty push and it tumbled to the ground.

Both walls have been cut away all the way to the cockpit.

Harre and his full time employee, John, are removing the carpet remnants.

Only the bathroom preformed plastic enclosure remains. The toilet hold-down bolts are corroded so badly, our on-hand tools will not remove them. Tomorrow we will use a long nose vice-grip to get them off.

Harry says the engine and running gear is in great condition. He has visions of converting the RV into a vehicle to carry vacationers around scenic farms in the area.

I have worked very hard the past two days with Harre. I feel I let him down, as he was hoping I would accept his offer of employment, which I turned down. I plan to stay a few more days to help Harre a bit more around his ranch...then SPIA and I will head North on US 17.

Harre has offered me $$ for my help, which I also turned down. My greatest pleasure is to work my tush off for my always has been and will remain so.

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