Sunday, October 2, 2011


Over a year and half ago on March 20, 2010, SAM & I started on our Senior Walk Across America. Some 6 months prior, I had purchased a pair of BROOKS "Addiction Walker" shoes. With that first pair of Brooks Shoes, I learned how to walk.

I know...I have been walking for some 75 years, but I discovered that I did not really know how to walk without injury. In that first six months, I pulled my Shin Splint two times, my Achilles Heel once, and one Ham String. I paid close attention how and when the injuries occurred.

When I started walking on March 20, 2010, a practiced what I learned during my 6-month practice period. 10,00 + miles later, I have not had an injury - except from that fainting episode in Georgia a couple months back.

Upon leaving BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON, I purchased two more pair of Brooks Shoes.
During last year's walk to FORT SUPPLY, OKLAHOMA, I alternated all three pair every 3 - 4 days. Returning to BELLINGHAM in early October 2010, all three pair were still like new...except for severe wear on the bottom of the toe of each shoe.

On January 12, 2011, I again set out on our walk to KEY WEST, FLORIDA via BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA.

Arriving in PHOENIX, ARIZONA, all three pair of Brooks Shoes were worn thru at the toe...caused from pushing off from my long stride...especially when walking roadways with sharp stones embedded in the asphalt. So, in PHOENIX, my Nephew, Dan, gifted me two new pair of Brooks Shoes - thanks again, Dan. I also had a shoe shop put a physical "patch" on the three (white) pair.

I took the opportunity today, sitting under the intense Sun of STARKE, FLORIDA, to repair all five pair of Brooks Shoes. Except for the cut-thru toe, all five pair are still like new. I am very easy on my fact, I am very easy on all my clothes. My closets are full of clothes going back at least 30 years - including shoes.

The above photograph is my repair job.

I have used J B WELD two-part Epoxy to fill in the cut toes (J B WELD can be found in a vast number of stores nation wide). Today, I again applied J B WELD to all five pair.

I have decided I will NOT purchase any more new shoes. I intend to walk the up-coming 6,000 miles in the same five pair that taken me the 10,000 miles recently completed.

A couple nights ago while sleeping in SPIA at Harre's Ranch, an awful racket kept on for at least one hour out on SR 100 which is about 100 feet from where SPIA is parked.

In the morning, I was surprised - and ever so pleased - to find (photograph above) a new white line WITH WASH-BOARD BUTTONS. This is, for my money, the PERFECT manner in which to finish a roadway. Drivers are warned when crossing the white line and the Bike Lane is undamaged by being cut to pieces ... as I have shown in many photographs on this Blog of roads across the country.

Since I informed Harre that I would not become his employee for his business start-up project, I have been put somewhat out to pasture.

The above photograph was taken this morning after I, on this Sunday, worked alone most of the morning removing the toilet room fixtures and policing (cleaning up) the RV and surrounding work area.

Dismantling the RV is now complete.

I have been somewhat surprised by my reception by Harre. I know he is very disappointed I am not staying on for his new business project, but I did not anticipate being left to my own devices when not actually working on the RV. I had looked forward to evenings of conversation after dinner, but alas, for the three evenings /nights I have been here, I have not been asked in or to share free time together.

So, I have decided that in the morning, I will have SPIA's "furnace" motor replaced - it must be replaced before I enter cold climate - . I will then, tomorrow, October 03, 2011, begin my walk North from LAKE CITY / STARKE, FLORIDA up US 17.

The RV is completely gutted up to the driver / passenger seats.

It has been, for me, an educational experience to have the opportunity to tear into the innerds of the RV. As SPIA is a mini-version of the above RV, I now have a pretty good idea what to look for to help us make our way the rest of the way around America.

I have given a lot of thought about SAM. Bottom Line: I will not leave SAM behind. She is already back on her platform...we will go "home" together.

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