Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Rolling out of bed; Both feet on the floor; A ration and half of cooked oatmeal; Watching the Sun rise out of the Atlantic Ocean; One gallon of HOT water for a "Spit Bath"; A new blade in the razor for a nice smooth shave; NIVEA foot message; Wash and hang dirty clothing; A walk to the Convenience Store...

So far, So good.

The position I was seeking - stopped in 4 times to apply - was given to it goes.

Did not walk today, except locally. Did do a couple hours rather tiring and dirty work in the yard of DEJA VU...against the wishes of my Hostess.

In the background is a "River" of "floatsam" from Hurricane IRENE...water was 4 feet deep here...

That River Of Grass spilled onto the concrete pad. Today, I put a few new muscles to work loading up that Trash Can a few times and wheeling it out to the street.

Only to be informed by two different neighbors:

1. Trash is NOT picked up on this "private" residential street; and,

2. The River Of Grass is alive with mosquitoes (your telling me !!); and alive with TICKS, as my neighbor Bobbi picked a big tick from the neck of her dog I was wrestling...he likes me (the dog).

Was also informed that there is the occasional SNAKE lurking about.

Other than that, I started ROBERT LUDLUM'S new book "The BOURNE OBJECTIVE"...and proved I was a good conversationalist by listening to a neighbor reveal high points - and not so high points - of various neighbors...listened politely and when she wound down, asked a question to encourage more expose' .

Decided I would NOT continue to move the River Of Grass.

Took the last Bagel out of a bag purchased a couple weeks had two "bites" already taken out of it. Examining the bag...yep, two holes in the plastic fitting exactly the bites. Must have been that way when I bought it...have not seen hide nor hair of a thief aboard SPIA.

One or two new options are being considered for SPIA and I...a bit premature for the moment.

Another Low Pressure Front is moving past some distance out in the Atlantic Ocean. The OUTER BANKS are forecast to receive heavy rain and high seas on Friday as the result.

DOT crews are busy on the beach defenses and shoring up the areas where flood waters undermined SR 12...had 5 big machines working on it today.

Locals tell me the Island is not as wide in RODANTHE as it once was. If one's home is set back a bit from the beach and the owner wishes it had waterfront, just wait a little while; the beach is slowly moving inland.

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