Thursday, November 10, 2011


Good 4:15 pm and dark already.

There will be no photographs today. Actually, took a nice walk along the ocean beach for about an hour with Bobbi and her two super dogs. After reaching the foaming surf, it hit me that I forgot to tote along my sorry...but, we will have many more days to take photographs of the beach.

Arrangements have been made for SPIA and I to remain in RODANTHA, OUTER BANKS, NORTH CAROLINA, for the next three months or so.

Our reception out here on the OUTER BANKS has been simply superb. Have met a number of business and residential folk, all of whom have welcomed and helped out in many ways for our stay to be pleasant.

A number of small projects have been handed to me, which I look forward to completing...hoping for more. As I have said, I am a workaholic who tracks down things to do.

The next three months will be welcome to help put SPIA in tip top condition for our walk through the Northern Winter. The time will also be welcome as an opportunity to delve into the many interesting villages, people, and historic places near by.

Trying to get SPIA's Air Shock Absorbers to work, I injected some "flat tire goop" into one shock...taking off the aerosol connection, some spray flashed back into my face, getting a bit into my mouth...awful stuff...reading the label, ingestion could = sudden death. Did not ingest any (that I know of), but it certainly burns the inside of my mouth a bit.

We shall see how it goes.

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