Friday, December 16, 2011


Upon returning last evening from KITTY HAWK, I stopped in at the Food Bank in SALVO, to be informed that many cases of mixed canned foods had been received and would be sorted and displayed on the shelves first thing in the morning.

Arriving at 8:30 am, Betty had already been processing the canned goods for nearly one hour. By the time the food truck arrived with meats, fruits, veggies, pastry, breads and more canned goods for the Friday customers, Betty and I switched from stocking canned goods to unloading the truck.

A number of additional "volunteers" - this Food Bank has been active for years...I am a very late newbie... arrived to unpack and display the food.

It became crowded, so I stepped out and made room for the more experienced folks.

Customers dropped in all day long...the last one about 4:00 pm as the Sun was setting.

Pastor Steve gave me a new project for the rest of the and PAINTING his "new" truck. Using Black Rustoleum paint, I spent the rest of the day painting the entire truck, except for the top portion of the cab. P. Steve and Betty yielded brushes for a good long time too, and by the end of the day, P. Steve had a like-new looking truck.

The painting complete and still an hour or so of daylight remaining, decided to put some more elbow grease into the project by hand-waxing the cab...inside and out.

I must say, the truck looks very nice !

As each day passes, I learn a bit more about the substantial losses the family incurred from Hurricane IRENE. Instead of bellyaching and carrying on with a ..."oh, poor me" attitude, they all pitch in to provide massive amounts of food for those less fortunate.

I just shake my head and ask...what is next ? !

No Food Bank work, I return to SR 12 policing for a day or so.

Sunday morning, P. Steve drives 100 miles to pick up another load of food for the "after church" crowd. I will be on hand to help the family. I ask: who pays for the truck...who pays for the gas...who pays for the food...

...we know the answer

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