Monday, December 19, 2011


Have modified "Title" line to Blog # and Date...easier to track. has once again turned cold on the Outer Banks. Winds continue unabated night and day at 25 - 35 mph.

Insulated SPIA floor with a carpet liner mat; also, installed doubled blanket on both inside surface of walls and windows. Should reduce "radiation" of cold through the single-pane windows and non-insulated walls.

Spent Saturday and Sunday at the Food Bank.

Today, cleaned another few hundred feet of trash from Highway SR 12...spending three hours head between knees straddling filthy putrid roadside ditches pulling out cans, bottles, clothing, old papers, and broken lumber/boards.

It goes into reinforced trash bags or into neat piles on the side of the roadway.

The first piles/bags of trash are still sitting along SR 12...this after a month of effort...I may commandeer a couple large trash cans on wheels and go pick up the piles myself.

Then again, the locals are nose to the grindstone still recovering from September Hurricane destruction.

Trash pick-up in the morning. Will complete DEJA VU yard cleanup on Thursday.

DEJA VU contractors are progressing on repairs to the inside of Karen's flooded RODANTHE home. Since I did not return to COLUMBIA, Karen has completed her own painting, which I planned to do.

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