Monday, January 30, 2012


I got chewed out today.

Uncle Babe (Frank) and "Auntie" Elenore made one of the very few phone calls I have received in the last year, demanding to know why I don't write more often (on this blog). Had not talked to them in years before my walk started, but if I miss a couple blog days, they get all bent out of shape...

No, really, these two have been special friends nearly all our lives; heck, Uncle Babe is only a couple years older than me (his Sister, Patricia was only 10 months older than me and Uncle Fred is two your younger than me)...all these relatives have been more like brothers and sisters than Aunts and Uncles.

I treasure our weekly phone calls...and they can chew me out anytime.

Arrived at Karen and Craig's Columbia North Carolina home last Friday. Both are in good spirits, as are Noah and Carson. I have had to beg for something to do around the house and finally I have been assigned some tasks. Am nearly complete with the garden work and under Craig's close supervision, helped install sliding doors in the entry closet. Well, it is a start.

The past three days, I have - after a six week layoff - again hit the road; 10 miles Saturday, 8 miles Sunday, and another 8 miles today, rediscovering long unused leg muscles and finally getting some sinus relief (intense exercise is the ONLY relief I have ever found for my life-long sinus problem).

Took a new route, walking South on SR 94 out of Columbia. Interesting topography in this neck of the woods. Waterways crisscross the low lying land, lying only a foot or two below the roadways.

SR 94 bridge crossing one of the many swamps lining the vast shallow waterways between the mainland and the Outer Banks.

The inevitable dogs try to intimidate me. I usually chat with them as they take a run at me. Taking out my camera usually causes them to put on the brakes. Believe they are confused that I am not afraid of them.

The roadways surrounding Columbia are usually lined with swamps or waterways.

This area happens to be wildlife sanctuary.

Residences are few and far between.

The harsh weather - constant wind with salt-borne moisture laden air takes a toll on all buildings.

Most folks appear to be in constant motion repairing their homes.

On the way to Columbia Friday morning, stopped in Wanchese to install SPIA's new basket. It will carry spare propane and gasoline on my upcoming walk back to the Peace Arch near Vancouver, B.C. (Canada). Have delayed departure from the Outer Banks for another four weeks or so.

My assigned gardening task of installing a rubberized flowerbed liner is nearly complete. Only 20 more feet to prepare a trench and bury the liner.

View through my room's window screen overlooking the Scuppernong River.

A bit clearer view of the Scuppernong River.

US 64 has received a new bridge over the Scuppernong River.

Click click to enlarge the flight of Canadian Geese coming in for a landing on the river.

A small swamp covered over with rust-colored algae.

Ever present waterway lines a field lying fallow during this sunny winter day.

The same waterway trickling under a foot bridge.

Tree farms abound all over the South East. Unusual to see such row alignment.

Turkey Buzzards devouring a road kill rabbit.

Turkey Buzzards are common in every part of the West and South that I have walked.

They have often check me out quite close while walking the deserts of the West.

In a couple days, will return to my painting jobs on the Outer Banks. May take the next couple days off here at Karen's and simply rest, relax, and read. Current read is The Fall Of The Roman Empire. Just completed a detailed book on Tienanmen Square 1989 Massacre ... cannot help but make comparisons to the growing "Occupy" movement sweeping the USA.

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