Wednesday, February 1, 2012


One Week.

Simply unbelievable.

My third visit to the home of Karen and Craig has come and gone in a flash. I am rested. I am contented. I am overwhelmed by kindness.

I, a complete stranger, invited into the home and hearts of Karen, Craig, Noah and Carson. Beyond reason...simply beyond reason.

Please, once again, say HELLO to Craig (on the left), his simpatica wife, Karen, and precious Auggie.

My Room.

Many tranquil hours I have spent in that bed, sleeping like a baby. Nearly as many hours, I have read from my Kindle nestled into that rocking chair. many times in recent months I gazed into en-ending emptiness striving to comprehend that which might wait around the next bend...over the next hill.

Blow my mind...there is always something...someone(s)...waiting for me - no room for room for depression. Only the wonder of walking into another's life, sharing, leaving a bit of oneself behind...taking a bit of someone into the future.

Two times I have visited C.L.

Top notch haircut for $6.00. C.L. has been barbering since 1957.

I plan to sit in his barber chair one more time before walking away from Columbia, North Carolina.

Cypress Tree beside the Columbia, North Carolina "River walk" one block from Karen's home.

Pigeon nesting only 4 feet away from the Scuppernong River Board Walk.

Yes, we had a chat.

To the consternation of this fellow standing guard next to her !

I tried to chat with him, but he just stared at me, turned, and walked slowly crouching under concrete (Scuppernong River) bridge beams to disappear into the blackness.

Scuppernong River Bridge, looking West across the shallow waters.

SPIA parked in front of Karen & Craig's home.

My room is behind the upper-left window.

Karen & Craig's graveyard.

Pic is taken next to Karen's SUV sitting in their driveway.

Click click to read the headstone of SARAH SUTTON...died 1830.

This morning, I exchanged emotional "goodbyes" after Noah and Carson went off to school.

I drove back to the Outer Banks, filled my spare propane tank - which was bungied into the new basket -, and drove to the local Nags Head (town) Eye Clinic. Introducing myself as friend of Karen and Craig, I was immediately escorted into an examining room, where I received a through going over for the next two hours...all with no appointment.

Was informed that I needed laser treatments on my previously treated right eye (lens implant 15 years ago), which was done on the spot in less than five minutes;

Also informed that I suffered from Maculate Degeneration, requiring immediate attention. Oh My !

Also informed that on February 10, 2012 (next Friday), surgery would be performed on my second (left) eye to implant a new lens.

Returning to Rodanthe and Avon, checked in with Barbara and Tim. Tim suggested since tomorrow is going to be a gorgeous day, I should help Melinda and A.J. finish painting their railings.

Tracked down Melinda at the Food, says she, we should go help Linda - Linda has considerable Hurricane (September 2011) damage to her home and has been bouncing from friend to friend as her home is not safe to move into -. So, in the morning, will take on yet another homeowner damage repair.

This is the way of folks out here on the Outer Banks...those in need receive help from caring neighbors and friends...sometimes it takes a bit of waiting as there is still so very much damage.

Next week, the Food Pantry / Church second-floor addition will begin...which will be the new home of Melinda and A.J. and their four young-uns. Melinda and A.J. - as well as sister Mandy - lost their homes entirely during Hurricane Irene in September.

I will volunteer myself to assist Pastor Steve in the remodel project.

Yes, I am busy. Yes, this is why I am out here.

It is going to take a humungous effort to coax SPIA to leave.

More corners to round...

More hills to cross.

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