Saturday, March 3, 2012

POST 558: 03/03/12: COLUMBIA, N.C.

Awake at daylight to a drenching rain.

The deadly weather front that moved through Alabama, Tennessee. Indiana yesterday has moved East, projected to cross over Columbia, North Carolina this evening, bringing potential tornadoes and heavy rain.

My route leaving Columbia takes us into the middle of the weather front.

Karen and Craig have kindly asked me to delay departure until the front passes.

I have agreed...did not take too much arm twisting...their home being a comfy relaxing former
B & B.

Tomorrow forecasts 50% chance of rain, so plan to head west on US 64 Sunday morning.

SPIA is parked on the street exposed to the winds and rain. A close inspection this morning confirmed NO rain leaks...all looks well for SPIA.

Failed to mention regarding yesterday's visit to Alisa's ranch...that Alisa heads up the North Carolina Blue Martin Society supporting the protection of migrating Purple Martins now returning from Brazil - her first bird arrived yesterday.

Blue Martins have become somewhat domesticated in that they occupy ONLY man-made bird houses (Alisa has dozens of such nests surrounding her ranch home), avoiding natural mother nature mud constructed nests as their Swallow relatives do in the West.

Suggest going to, which invites folks to follow Alisa and husband, Chris (both biologists) doing their work for animals (Chris looks after the welfare of the local Red Wolf population) and Blue Martins in the local area.

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