Sunday, March 4, 2012


At mid day, the storm front finally passed to the east of Columbia.

Auggie, Karen's Yorkie was quite upset as I prepared to leave. He jumped into my lap and would not move. But, leave I had to do.

I invited Karen and Craig to come to Bellingham when I arrive sometime in July - on my Delta Miles. They accepted, giving us all a goal to look forward to, making parting just a bit easier.

Above plaque is on Karen and Craig's main entrance...worth remembering !

Driving out of Columbia, I once again passed by these steps...leading into a vacant lot...kinda the way I felt at the moment.

I have previously walked many miles in every road leading to and through Columbia; so, I drove West on US 64 to Highway 45 cutoff - about 25 miles, and found a place to park SPIA. Then, walked 14 miles or so to the town of Windsor, North Carolina and back to SPIA.

I considered driving back to Columbia for the night; saying "goodbye" once again, I simply could not, I drove SPIA into Windsor, where we have found a place to park for the night in a truck parking area.

During today's walk, I came upon the above and following photo opportunities along Highway 308, which will take us into Virginia in two days time, where we pick up Highway 46.

Nearly every other Black Angus cow was tending a new born calf.

Gorgeous animals...they bawled loudly as I stopped talking to them and walked away.

They too, seem to have a tough time saying goodbye.

Back into farming country.

The Outer Banks and Atlantic Ocean is now behind us. We have 3,000 miles to go to reach the Peace Arch.

Windsor, North Carolina...the last sizable village before entering the state of Virginia.

Highway 308...needs a bit of maintenance, but a pleasant walk under occasional rain drops.

Must have once been a gorgeous tree...still impressive in death.

In Louisiana, this would be a bayou...up here in North Carolina, is just another slow moving stream.

Leaving Windsor, we follow West 308 into Virginia.

Back inside SPIA as the sun hides behind lingering storm clouds...possible snow is forecast for a bit chilly, so we have the propane furnace taking the bite out of the cold dampness before we slip into the comfy warm duvets.

Hope we do not have visitors - such as the Sheriff telling us to move - during the night.

At first light in the morning - about 7:00 am - will leave SPIA parked while I walk for a few hours north / west on Highway 308.

Put in 4 hours this afternoon - about 15 miles - without injuring myself. My legs, ankles, and feet are out of condition, which will require a couple weeks to build up to normal performance.

I plan to eventually shoot for 25 - 30 miles per day. We have a potential difficult crossing of the Allegheny Mountains in a couple weeks, so we need to get into shape.

A number of winter storms are waiting for us as we head for De Kalb, Illinois. Safety first !!

Hope you enjoy the walk...will be new discoveries for me along the way.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back walking, though it's been hard to say goodbye to your friends. Congratulations, though, that you've found the friends you've been searching for on your trip. Golden ones and insights to the lives and living of others. Thank you for sharing that. Now ahead are more adventures and more people to meet, and your goal of making it to the Peace Arch. Best of everything, to you, Bruce!
