Sunday, March 25, 2012


Early this morning, begged help from Cristy, the young lady who ran the Convenience Store in Vinton, where SPIA was allowed to park overnight.

Have been hearing strange noises from SPIA's transmission...and I could not find the transmission dip-stick. Cristy found it for me and together we determined that the transmission is just fine. She, however, helped me top off the brake fluid and window washer fluid before I felt comfy enough to take SPIA out into the dark of Sunday Morning.

Vinton, above, in early morning twilight.

Yesterday afternoon, had walked north on Highway 160 for 8 miles, so this morning, drove SPIA to the next town up the line...Wilkesville, Ohio, where we once again parked and walked.

Above pic...leaving Vinton on Highway 160.

Walked north out of Wilkesville - the town was shut down for Sunday morning -, passing by the above photo of a major electrical power booster plant.

When electrical power is generated by a dam, coal-fired plant, atomic power plant, etc., the electricity is often (most) times "shipped" many miles into the national power grid. If it has a long way to go, it (the electricity) sometimes needs a "boost" to keep it moving; i.e., the above booster plant.

On the way "out" from Wilkesville, passed by this Convenience Store.

On the way back, stopped in to purchase a sandwich...when opening the door to leave, a big HORNET (Bee) was hanging on the door...I shooed it away and walked off.

A few steps and BAM...that big son of a gun hit my right arm just below the elbow with a whallop of a sting. Immediately, my arm shot pain from fingers to shoulder.

I continued walking back to SPIA, where I applied some Silver Sulfadiazine (Silvidene) Cream on the quickly swelling arm and took 1/2 NAPROXIN for pain.

Two hours later, the swelling was gone...pain was gone...could not find the sting at all.

I attribute the quick cleansing to my Immune System (Lymphatic System), which is keeping my body highly tuned from injury, bacteria, virus, etc...all resulting from my intense exercise each day.

Interesting photograph of telephone wires being strung on poles.

We walked from Wilkesville to and beyond US 32 before returning to SPIA.

Then, we drove to the town of McArthur, Ohio, where SPIA is parked in front of the Sheriff Office.

Spent the next two hours walking BACK toward Wilkesville to complete the miles to McArther, before returning to SPIA.

Please say HELLO to Keith (l.), Tamara, Mike, and Myleah (the Woof).

Met these folks when, on my return walk. I stopped in at Katies Krazy Place a mile or so south of McArthur. We chatted for 1/2 hour or so while I downed the beer Tamara served - with Tamara announcing that her Mom, Katie also owned the McArther Hotel...oldest building @ 1839 - in McArther...and was looking forward to my stopping in to meet her.

Of course, I did just that.

Katie's "other" place.

Foyer...walked in to find the place vacant.

Original - upper left - photo of McArther Hotel, built cir. overnight stagecoach stop on the highway to Washington D.C. way back when ...

Please say HELLO to Katie.

Katie, with her 72nd birthday coming in a few weeks, is Madam of McArthur Hotel - as well as Katies Krazy Place (my name for it).

Local covered bridges - painted on black slate.

In addition to antiques and historical memorabilia taking up every nich, rich tapestries are hanging from many walls, including the main staircase leading to period rooms upstairs.

Tapestry close up...taken WITHOUT flash in the darkened stairwell.

Katie showing me around her "home".

Katie and Grand Daughter, Lizzie...Lizzie and I struck up a all-afternoon conversation.

Turns out, Katies "home" is just that. She no longer offers "hotel" rooms, but does have a number of vacant rooms for folks who drop in. Most of the hotel is "home" to four generations of Katies real family, including daughters Tamara and Gail and grand daughter Lizzie, who was practicing pealing apples with a paring knife.

I spent the better part of the afternoon visiting with Katies family, including lunch on the house and an offer of a room for the night - which I declined, but did accept Katie's offer to use a vacant room for a first real shower since leaving the Outer Banks three + weeks ago.

SPIA is now parked in the Hotel driveway for the night.

I am anxious to return inside to spend more time with the family before calling it a day.

In the morning, SPIA remains parked while I continue my walk north to US 56, which we plan to follow across Ohio and on into Indiana.

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