Monday, March 26, 2012


This is an addendum to POST 581, including images which could not be uploaded yesterday.
(Now 03/27/12 @ 6:00 pm...parked in town of Mt. Sterling, Route 56, Ohio).

Home in town of Mc Arthur, Ohio.

...and another...

At daylight, walked out State Road 93...trees in bloom.

Fred and Barny's car (full size home made replica from The Flintstones).

Please say HELLO to Krazy Katie, owner of the McArthur Hotel...and my hostess for the evening - and morning before and after completing our first walk of the day.

Katie will be 72 in a few days.

Krazy Katie in her lamp-shade hat...somewhat famous photograph hanging on the wall in the Dining Room of the McArthur Hotel.

Please say HELLO to William Fowler.

William is a friend of Katies and has the distinction of serving in the Seebees during World War II and during the Korean War.

William and his Seebees (Seebees are the "construction arm" of the United States Military...when something needs to be built, Seebees are called on to do it, even during the intense fighting which William participated in throughout the Pacific Ocean Islands...Midway, Wake, Guadalcanal, and many others) went ashore Japanese held islands where they built airports, docking facilities, gun emplacements, etc. to support the Marines and Soldiers who stormed ashore.

William says his Seebees were always first ashore to provide the welcome mat for the Marines...who got all the credit. Movie Guadalcanal has considerable footage of the Seebees at war.

William was at Chosin Reservoir North Korea in 1952 when the Chinese Army poured over the Yalu River to drive the United Nations troops away from the China Border clear back to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). Incidentally, my brother, Jay, was also at Chosin Reservoir at that same moment. Jay drove an amphibious tank for the 7th Cavalry.

William lost his left eye during the retreat from the Chosin Reservoir, winning the Purple Heart along with many other military decorations.

Please click click this image to read the narrative about William.

Please say Hello to Renee (l.) and Gail.

Renee is an employee of Krazy (Krafty) Katie.

Gail is the eldest of Katies three daughters.

Please say HELLO to Nathan and Renee.

Nathan is also an employee of the McArthur Hotel.

It was Nathan who whipped my tush playing pool...and who lost his $$ to me playing poker.

Please click click to enlarge.

Please click click to enlarge.

Ash Care, with it's impressive waterfall.

...another view of Ash Cave Waterfall.

...and yet, another.

Please say HELLO to Wilmer Beachy and his youngest daughter.

Met Wilmer walking the trail to the Ash Cave, where we struck up a conversation.

Please say Hello to the entire family of Wilmer Beachy, his wife, their children; his sister in law and her children.

Why, I do not know, but I feel we are destined to meet again.

Click click to enlarge.

The narrative below was written and posted yesterday.

* * * * *

Good Evening from Laurelville, Ohio...a small village on Highway 56, at the intersection with US 22.

VERIZON signal is one bar...not enough strength to upload any images, of which we have about 40 for today. We must wait until we arrive at a more populated center to find VERIZON power.

Last evening, after completing our blog (went quickly with strong VERIZON power), was invited to play a few games of pool and five card draw poker. Lost at pool. Cleaned house at poker.

Thanks, Nathan.

We had a peaceful restful night parked in the driveway of Krazy Katie's McArthur Hotel.

Stepped into the Hotel Dining Room at 7:30 am, only to find Katie still working...she stayed up ALL night taking care of clients. Katie says...if someone wants to hang out, we never close.

After downing a cup of Katie's coffee this morning, left SPIA parked while I walked 14 miles out and back on Highway 93, returning at 11:30 am.

Katie's eldest daughter, Gail, prepared a very good bacon, egg, & potato breakfast for me before we packed up SPIA, said our goodbye's and drove out to Highway 56, parking at the Ash Cave.

I then walked an additional 8 miles west on Highway 56.

Then, drove to the small village of Bloomingville, Ohio, where SPIA again parked while I completed another 8 miles for leg three for the day.

We then drove to the town of Laurelville, Ohio, where we are parked in an empty gravel lot at the west edge of town for the night.

We have some nice photographs. Please check back from time to time. Will upload the images as soon as VERIZON signal comes up

I am still in good health. The Hornet sting I received has not gone away. My entire right lower arm is swollen. Must have developed allergy or something as never before have I reacted to the many stings received over the years...true, though, the culprit was a B I G son of a gun...and he attacked me unprovoked while I was walking, minding my own business.

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