Tuesday, April 3, 2012

POST 589: 04/03/12: PERU - LOGANSPORT, IN.

We rested well last night next door to BK Drive-In...with honest to goodness real Car-Hops, just like back in the '40s and '50s.

We had a long walk waiting as I left SPIA at 7:00 am (still dark). In a few days we will enter into the Central Time Zone, which will grant us daylight one hour earlier...so, our days will start at 6:00 am instead of 7:00am.

I planned to walk BACK toward Mt. Etna for three hours (= 12 miles), turn around and return to SPIA...then walk West on SR 24 for another 16 miles in the afternoon for a total of 40 miles.

Did not quite make it. Completed 38 miles today, ending with quivering upper thighs and quite sore heels - sore heels from stretching out my stride. Will have to make some adjustments for tomorrow's walk.

This pic was taken in darkness...my Panasonic DMC-SZ5 has a great LEICA lens plus a good built in automatic light meter.

SR 124 passing next to the Wabash River is a real ankle breaker...the roadway is all broken up and appears to have received NO maintenance for many years.

Distant clouds shrouded the Sun to about 10 degrees above the horizon. It was cold enough to wear my zippered hoodie at first, but 1 hour later, the clouds burned away, leaving a clear sky.
Within one more hour, off came the hoodie and the temperature climbed steadily...by mid afternoon, it stood at 90 F.

Preferred cattle in the mid-west are Angus...hundreds of week old calves, staying close to mama, are to be found in nearly every other farm.

The Wabash River upstream from the town of Peru, where we began this morning's walk.

I am still astounded at the lack of "undergrowth" in the forests of the east.

SR 124 is a major self-contrast: 5 miles of torturous roadway...then 5 miles of near super highway...do you suppose the more wealthy farms get better maintenance ??? Naw...couldn't be.

I have seen many Cardinal and Red Wing Blackbirds...they seem to be just now arriving.

Native American History.

These ducks are pastured with - and apparently protected - by the above horses.

A particularly impressive estate farm house.

Please say HELLO to Brad (l.) and Jay (seated).

The preceding image is the ancestral home of Jay, who says he was born, raised, and lives in that house.

Brad's wife heads up the Peru Chamber Of Commerce. Brad phoned her re. my presence for perhaps an interview. Returning to SPIA, I waited around for 1/2 hour before continuing walking West on US 24, but no one called on me.

The inevitable...beauty in decay...

Walked 6 miles west from Peru toward the rather large town of Logansport, Indiana, where SPIA is now bedded down for the night.

We found parking next to a convenience store. I walked back through Logansport and beyond for a final 8 miles for the day before returning to SPIA.

Stopped in at ARBY's who advertised fish sandwiches 2 for $5.00. I purchased and downed both of the Alaskan Pollock fish...real fish with only light crusting, which was excellent.

After having my recent cataract operation, the surgeon told me I must eat much more fish...so, I have added a cod-liver capsule for breakfast and try to eat real fish every day or so.

I know...I didn't believe it either.

Baptist Church...click click to read that it is referred to as the Baptist Temple.

I have numerous more exciting images of homes in the town of Logansport. Yet again, VERIZSON signal is cold molasses slow, so I held a few back to get this blog posted in a reasonable time...it is now 8:30 pm and quite dark.

It has also cooled down considerably...thank goodness...difficult to sleep in a hot/humid bed.

Please click click to read the inscription. Logansport has a number of memorials dedicated to members of the armed forces...above is impressive dedication re. World War I.

Walked from 7:00 am til 1:00 pm (6 hours) without rest (except to chat a moment to Brad and Jay). The old body held up quite well, but need much more conditioning before I can hope to make 40 miles per day a regular thing.

But, we are working on it.

Edit note: Again, VERIZON has cut off their signal...happened yesterday also, requiring me to wait some hours for it to come up again before I could post this blog. If I try to post, knowing there is no signal, I run the real risk of LOSING my entire post...it has happened a number of times in the past, requiring me to re-create the whole dang thing !!!

I am told VERIZON has a "Priority" system for their customers. During "heavy" usage time, lower category clients - meaning SAM & ME - get shut down until usage declines from the more prestigious customers...

I know...it sucks !

Yep...just checked VERIZON...still connected to the system, but ZERO Bars...meaning, we are receiving NO signal...so, must simply leave the computer running. If I shut down without posting, I WILL lose my entire blog update. My blog is created in GOOGLE, and I must have an internet connection to SAVE and/or PUBLISH.

...and my Mini-HP computer battery is very old, so I must stay on SPIA primary motor starting battery; just hope I do not run SPIA's battery down...we have discussed this process a couple weeks ago.

...while waiting for a VERIZON signal, will prepare my bed and read some Kindle.

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