Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Date of this Post should read: 04/04/12.

Where SPIA slept last night in the town of Logansport, Indiana.

I left here, at 7:00 am, for my first walk of the day west on US 24 toward the town of Monticello, 21 miles away.

Pic was taken as I walked away from SPIA.

Gas price: $4.05.99 for Regular. New choice: 85% (corn-gas/Ethanol) for $3.55 per gallon.

Returned at 12:00 noon...a 5-hour trek.

Full of vim and vinegar upon returning.

A bit further up US 24, caught Ole' Sol rising above the tree line into the morning haze.

Try as I might, still caught the apex of my shadow...image looking West on US one of the "good" spots receiving maintenance.

Many fields are now receiving "tilling" in preparation for Spring planting.

A picturesque side road.

Walked 18 miles before returning to SPIA.

A railroad track runs next to US 24. The above waterway runs beneath the RR tracks.

The tracks are rusty, having apparently been unused for some time. There are, however, crews working on the stone between the railroad ties and work on the rails.

Small river - large creek - filled with crystal clear water.

Tippecanoe River as I crossed the bridge walking into the rather large town of Monticello.

Arriving in Monticello, decided to walk a few miles BACK toward Logansport...I had already walked 18 miles, but it was such a nice day, Mother Nature called me out for another 6 miles.

Monticello Clubs.

Very unusual tractor, mounting spray equipment.

I believe the rather large tires are "floating" tires used in unusually wet/muddy fields.

A garden contractor spreading chemicals on the lawn of a church.

Interesting contraption he rides on.

Have been seeing cement posts similar to the above ever since entering Indiana. Have finally figured out that they are "anchor" posts for fence lines. These rigid posts provide a non-moving post which keeps the barbed wire from becoming loose and sagging.

This field has been plowed, disked, and harrowed. It will soon be planted.

Drove to Monticello WAL-MART to park for the night. Met the folks traveling in the above motor home.

Do not have a pic, but please say HELLO to Peter and Barbara from Florida.

We may get together later this evening to chat a bit.

After saying goodbye to Peter and Barbara, I took of on a third walk, heading West on US 24 toward the town of Reyonlds, 6 miles away.

Took this pic while still moving...lousy decision, but the information is even more lousy.

Have mentioned forests with no underbrush.

Well, the Monticello area has plenty of brushy forest.

Please say HELLO to Dan.

Dan saw me walking at least three different times today between Logansport and Monticello.

He finally caught up with me in WAL-MART parking lot on my return from Reyonlds, where we chatted for some minutes

Click click to enlarge.

Logansport is near the right hand side; Monticello is about in the center of the orange line. Illinois is the "gray" color on the extreme left.

At current walking rate (4 + mph), we will be in the State of Illinois by Friday, having crossed the entire State of Indiana in 4-1/2 days.

Could reach De Kalb next Wednesday, April 10, 2012, making it a 40-day walk from OBX, which is about 990 miles.

Feeling stronger about heading from De Kalb Northward to US Highway 2, which parallels the USA/CANADA border all the way West to within 15 miles of my Bellingham, Washington home.

Remain open to all options, however.

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