Thursday, April 5, 2012


Sunrise from WAL-MART Monticello, Indiana.

Enjoyed a quiet night. Missed chatting with Peter and Barbara. Later in the day as I was walking near Wolcott, Indiana, they drove by, giving air-horn blasts in greeting...they did not stop.

Yesterday afternoon, I already walked West out of Monticello to the town of Reynolds; so, this morning drove beyond Reynolds to the town of Wolcott, where we parked SPIA at another convenience store.

Walked 8 miles back to Reynolds...then returned; but, did not stop at SPIA...kept on walking West beyond Wolcott another 8 miles toward the town of Goodland, Indiana - this is when Peter and Barbara passed by with their motor home.

Mural on a building in downtown Wolcott.

This is the home of Anson Wolcott...please see historical sign in the next image.

The Anson Wolcott home...front on from US 24.

Returning to Wolcott, drove SPIA to the village of Goodland, Indiana, where we parked and I walked BACK toward Wolcott for another 8 miles.

En route, came across these crooky telephone poles...many of the poles were bent over as though a strong wind hit them.

No muddy or murky streams in this part of Indiana.

We have seen these silos before...but not quite as large and as many in one spot. The pumps were running, but because of today's very strong wind, could not hear the grain in the pipes.

I caught a glimpse of a TV weather report this afternoon...believe I heard/saw forecast for VERY strong winds tonight and tomorrow...and possibly WINTER STORM nearby.

Did not get details...but it is now 6:00 pm parked in the town of Kentland, Indiana. The wind is giving SPIA a good rocking to and fro...and it is very cold coming from the North, off the waters of the Great Lakes which are quite close by.

Please say HELLO to Don Harmon.

Don stopped on US 24, inviting me to take a ride instead of walking. Of course, I politely declined...but we did get to chat for a few moments between passing 18-wheelers.

We are parked at a Family-style restaurant in Kentland, the final Indiana town before Illinois.

Took the opportunity to walk BACK East on US 24 for another 7 - 8 miles before returning for a "Seniors" Spaghetti and Meat Sauce, delicious fresh salad, toasted garlic bread, and rice pudding dessert...

all for $5.25.

If SPIA doesn't get blown away during the night...and if it has not snowed, I plan to make an early morning walk the final 4 miles to the Illinois border...and beyond before returning.

Have made some changes to our routing. Instead of taking US 52 in the morning, we will stay on US 24, which intersects US 23 - the highway leading directly to De Kalb, Illinois -.

We are quickly closing in on our visit with Sister Carol.

Route To Peace Arch:

Leaving De Kalb, will pick up US 64 which, in about 50 miles, connects with US 52. Will stay on US 52 until reaching Minot, North Dakota, where we pick up US 2. We will follow US 2 the rest of the way to Spokane, Washington, where we will cross the Columbia Basin Desert...swing by Grand Coulee Dam - which my mother's family help build -, then over the North Cascade Pass (a relatively new route), to the Peace Arch at the Canadian border & Blaine, Washington, which is 25 miles from Bellingham, Washington.

I project reaching Bellingham between July 01 - 15, 2012.

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