Friday, May 18, 2012


Before Sunrise on US 2 at the town of Nashua where SPIA was parked next to the local Restaurant.

Image of Nashua taken hours later upon my return from my 20 mile walk West on US 2.

The Milk River, paralleling US 2. Locals commented on the degradation of the Corp Of Engineer Dike System, which has allowed this river to flood local farmlands.

WW II vintage sedan sitting in an open field.

BNSF railroad train.

This used to be the route of the Northern Pacific Railroad (or perhaps the Great Northern Railroad). a major link in the Atlantic to Pacific "Land Bridge".

"Land Bridge" refers to the rail system transporting "containers" from Ocean to Ocean.

VFW Monument in the town of Glasgow, Montana honoring US Service Personnel who served in foreign wars.

After the morning walk, drove SPIA to the rather large town of Glasgow, Montana, where we parked at the VFW (Veterans Of Foreign Wars) for the night.

A "real" wagon pulled by metal "cut out" replicas of horse and driver.

Images taken from long distance. Strategically displayed along the summit of a distant hill, this - and the following - statues are for sale.

US 2 West of the town of Glasgow, Montana.

A - recently - abandoned farm.

US 2 as it heads west across the top of the distant prairie.

Returning East on US 2, this scene catches the distant mountains.

This flowering plant is about life size, being no more than 6 inches in height.

Downtown main street in the town of Glasgow, Montana.

* * * * *

Another glitch in image production - my computer will not process my camera images at the moment -.

After a good night in Nashua, Montana, walked West on US 2 for 20 miles, picking up the 5 miles shorted yesterday between West Point and Nashua, and reaching the town of Glasgow, Montana.

Thanked the owners of the Nashua Restaurant for allowing SPIA parking and for my "free" hotcakes. Then drove to Glasgow, where we have been welcomed by Johanna , Manager of the local VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), of which I am a member. Johanna allowed SPIA parking next to her private spot - with electrical power - as I walked this afternoon West on US 2, covering another 16 miles toward the town of Hinsdale, Montana.

Was planning to drive to Hinsdale for the night, but heavy rain is forecast for the next two days. Have decided to stay on in Glasgow, where it is now 3:00 am, in the middle of the night...

I am, for some reason, a bit uneasy for unknown reasons, so tried to update today's blog, only to discover the problem with downloading my camera images.

During today's walk, dozens of 18-wheelers and a myriad of smaller vehicles passed me going both East and West on US 2, and coming and going on dirt roads leading into the surrounding hills. The Oil Boom has reached this far into Montana. Locals are reporting many "new" faces in town. I have asked locals what is expected from the great $$ influx...i.e., will it effect the local towns, etc...I receive a blank look...the impact on "infrastructure" has not fully been felt, but if North western North Dakota is any indication, the effect might well be early chaos...i.e., housing shortages, food shortages, etc, until infrastructure catches up with demand.

The VFW just held an event to raise $$ to construct a shelter for the "homeless"...I asked if there is a "homeless" problem. Was told not at the moment...transients move on when the Winter temperatures plummet to minus 60 F. (60 degrees BELOW zero), leaving me to create my own answer.

An interesting part of America to be at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Bruce, for editing the caption of the pheasant!
