Friday, May 18, 2012


We enjoyed a very comfy night at the VFW Clubhouse parking last night in Glasgow, Montana.

Was not certain about the weather with rain predicted, so lounged in bed an extra hour before rolling out and getting SPIA on our way to the village of Hinsdale, Montana.

Yesterday afternoon, had completed 14 miles from Glasgow toward Hinsdale, so upon arriving in Hinsdale, parked SPIA, enjoyed visiting with a number of local residents, and only 10:00 am, began walking BACK toward Glasgow to recover the remaining 16 miles.

The following images are along US 2...the half nearest Hindale.

Include this image to show how grain is removed from the Silo storage tanks. That red wheeled pipe draws grain from inside the Silo and feeds it up the pipe, dumping it into trucks which carry it to shipping centers.

US 2, near Hinsdale, Montana.
Many small canals line pasture lands along US 2. These canals invariably have lots of ducks, Canadian geese, and other water fowl.

Threatening clouds rolled out of the North west during my 5-hour walk.

It only sprinkled for a few minutes.

The Milk River...cause of much flooding Last Year. This year it has behaved itself.

Hinsdale is a village of about 280 residents.

Tomorrow is High School Graduation...practice was tonight...with seven (7) graduates to receive diplomas.

The school is at the far end of this street.

Please say HELLO to Virgil Vaupel, retired trucker and farmer.

Virgil and I met in the Eatery SWEET MEMORIES - more later -.

We had a rather lengthy conversation about the State of Washington, particularly about Bellingham, where he drove trucks for many years. Virgil is now a full time resident of Hinsdale.

I have failed to post images of the hundreds of homes with hedges and borders made from Lilac trees, such as above.

Lilac has been popular for more than the last 100 miles of my walk in the North country.

Hinsdale Masonic Temple.

Please say HELLO to Bill.

Also met Bill at SWEET MEMORIES, where we enjoyed chatting a couple different times during the day.

Out of Business Hardware Store in Hinsdale.

Hinsdale Post Office.

Please say HELLO to Sweed - a.k.a. Lonnie - and wife, Leona.

I owe these two wonderful people more than I can say. Together, they built and operate the eatery, SWEET MEMORIES. Beginning a couple years ago as an ice cream store, SWEET MEMORIES has captured a place in the hearts of locals.

Spotless clean, bright, and comfy, Leona seems to know what each client - and a steady stream of clients come and go - before they even order.

Sweed / Lonnie, is a building contractor, with a long inventory of heavy equipment...but, Sweed is also ever on hand to keep Leona company through the day and well into each evening as closing time is 10:00 pm.

They simply could not do enough for me. Sweed and Leona entertained me before commencing my one walk of today...only 18 miles...and invited me again to join their family (daughter Christine, Hubby Chad, Son Coy, and daughter Reese) for dinner... delicious BBQ steak and burgers with all the trimmings; then, taking in my dirty clothes to be washed at their nearby home; then, opening up their home for a most welcome shower.

SPIA is parked on the street at the front door of SWEET MEMORIES, all snugged with electrical power for the night.


At daybreak, I will leave SPIA with SWEET MEMORIES while I walk West on US 2. The next village is Saco, Montana, 13 miles distant.

I anticipate some difficulty saying goodbye to Sweed and Leona, two terrific people.

1 comment:

  1. I like this. That's my Uncle Bill relaxing in the ice cream parlor (carmel rolls to die for!) and my current favorite writer, Virgel. Hinsdale is a wonderful little town. Somewhere in the writings I've collected from family is the quote that it is a great place to raise small children and small potatoes.

    I can't wait for my next trip in to Sweet Memories.
