Thursday, July 5, 2012


July 04, 2012 ... Summer has arrived at Bellingham, Washington. Decided to take my first walk since returning to the Peace Arch on June 24...already, leg muscles are beginning to atrophy...

SPIA parked in front of our home...RVs are prohibited from parking in our community, so must move her in a day or so.

Two little guys live in the garden...still a bit shy, but are becoming emboldened as I work to beautify the garden / yard.

My room.

View from back patio deck...

Whatcom Lake with Lummi Island (San Juan Islands) in the far hazy distance.

This coming weekend, plan to take the Washington State Ferry from Anacortes to Lopez Island, where Squalicum Yacht Club is cruising.

Lake Whatcom, Bellingham, Washington...looking South West.

Lake Whatcom, looking East at foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Local Volcano, Mt. Baker, is a bit to the left ... will post images of Mt. Baker later.

Walking from home, along the shore of Lake Whatcom, then onto Alabama Street, which has this magnificent view overlooking the city of Bellingham, Washington.

Bellingham Bay in the middle ground...Lummi Indian Reservation in near back ground...Lummi Island in far back ground. Lummi Island is about 10 miles from the camera.

Vancouver island (city of Victoria, B.C., Canada) is unseen in the distant haze.

Instead of walking down Alabama Hill into town, I walked one of the many city park trails crisscrossing Bellingham. This trail heads South into Whatcom Falls Park.

Flowing out of Lake Whatcom is Whatcom Creek. This kids fishing pond is formed by a small dam 1/2 mile from the lake. Semi-paved trails - many suitable for wheel chairs - run throughout Whatcom Falls Park.

Whatcom Falls Park is one of dozens of well-maintained trails which reach every part of Bellingham.

Mom and nearly full grown ducklings...absolutely no fear of humans...they waddle about 4 feet from the camera.

Whatcom Falls...the largest cataract of many such falls as Whatcom Creek flows from Lake Whatcom through the center of down town and empties into Bellingham Bay.

Only 20 miles from downtown Bellingham are cited a number of large Oil Refineries...the destination of Super Tankers transporting Prudho Bay - Alaskan - Oil.

For many years, I walked this trail morning and night the four miles from our home above Lake Whatcom to my offices near downtown Bellingham.

Today, I walked this trail once again...perhaps for the last time.

25 years ago, there was no road...not even a decent trail - through this marshy forested parkland near my office. At just about this spot, I once encountered a coyote Mom and three pups.

In the recent 10 years or so, new condo construction (behind the camera) brought in new residents...many using electric wheel chairs. Two times, I nearly hit one of those unlighted wheel chairs while driving the above dark road. I approached the city about the problem. The above walkway / bridge resulted, taking pedestrians & wheelchairs off the roadway while giving close looks at the marsh / swamp flowing beneath.

Pristine Lake Padden lies two miles from downtown gas motors allowed. 2.2 miles around Lake Padden is a 10-foot wide walkway. An 18-hole golf course lies along the trail...the golf course being quite challenging and maintained as well as any I have played...yes, I also love golf.

Lake Padden, Bellingham, Washington

Yew Street...the back way to Lake Whatcom from I-5.

During testing of SAM - my solar-powered electric cart -, we often walked/rolled Yew Street which has some 8% hills.

A residence on Yew Street...the foreground roadway is the "driveway". Exotic animals are often seen grazing in the pasture surrounding the pond.

Having walked over 8 hours on July 4, I returned home via North Shore Drive along Lake Whatcom. Most of the lakefront is privately owned...with many public access points...

This view of Lake Whatcom lies 1.5 blocks below our home.

Whatcom Creek flows out of Lake Whatcom a few feet to the left of the camera.

Having subjected SPIA, my MPV ('95 Mazda), and Hyosung 650 Motorcycle to maintenance checks, find SPIA and MPV both need brakes; 650 will not shift into gear...most likely a "frozen" clutch plate from sitting in storage the past 2 years.

So, there goes my SS $$ for the next couple months.

Have decided I will not immediately return to OBX. Have been asked by relatives to "baby sit" some property for a while, so will remain in the Pacific Northwest for a bit.

Look forward to walking the PNW, sharing on my blog the wonders to be discovered.

Am proceeding with preparations to continue walking...most probably starting up the ALCAN Highway to Anchorage, Alaska and beyond.

We shall see...

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