Sunday, July 1, 2012


Requested photograph of the PEACE ARCH, BLAINE, WASHINGTON:

The Peace Arch stands astride the CANADA / USA Border at Peace Arch Park, Blaine, Washington.

The Peace Arch is 26 miles from my home in Bellingham, and has been the START point for my walks; and was the FINISH point for my June 24, 2012 return from my walk around America.

Today is Sunday, July 01, 2012. I am sitting in my bedroom in the home I share with my Partner for the past 12 years. Returning home, I have been welcomed as though I walked to the store for a loaf of bread...not 2.5 years walking America.

My Partner and I have, however, agreed:

We will, in the near future, go our separate ways...remaining friends, as we have for nearly 40 years.

I have a number of options to consider...all of which are on the table.

In the interim, I have placed both my Motorcycle (650 Cruising) and my MAZDA MPV into operation. Tomorrow, I will obtain current license tabs and re-initiate insurance. SPIA will then get a "vacation" for a bit.

Each day since my return, has kept me busy gardening in "our" home. Our home is in a "gated" community with specific requirements. My efforts are bringing our home / yard back to standards required...I must say, the grounds are beginning to look quite beautiful.

Photographs will follow shortly.

Question on everyone's mind is about my walking future.

Please be assured that I will be walking again - in the next few days -. Blog updates with photographs will be included.

The Pacific Northwest, where Bellingham is located, is, in my estimation, one of the premier locations IN THE WORLD to live / visit. It is my intention to introduce this magnificent area on my blog...taking walks locally; i.e., Western Washington from Canada to the Columbia River and from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Mountains.

I anticipate having available in the next couple weeks, the magnificent 40-acre forested home - belonging to my recently deceased Brother, Jim...with view of the Olympic Mountains 80 miles toward the Pacific Ocean, while lying in bed in the Master Bedroom.

It is my fervent wish to welcome visitors from my blog readers to Jim's home...and subsequent opportunity to see and enjoy the pleasures of this, my favorite part of our World.

In the near future, I will decide on which "World" walk I will continue; i.e., ALCAN Highway to Alaska...or Lisbon, Portugal to Beijing, China...

or, perhaps, drive to Columbus, Ohio (which I walked to within 30 miles on my recent walk back to the Peace Arch), thence to Lake Erie, following the St. Lawrence River to Maine - then South along the Atlantic Ocean back to OBX (Outer Banks, North Carolina).

Eventually, I plan to complete all three options.

Except for sore hands and back - from daily gardening - I am in excellent health and look forward to continuing my walk.

...blogging all the way.

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