Friday, August 3, 2012

POST 680: 08/03/12; ON THE ROAD TO OBX

By this evening, have travelled 1,035 miles of the 3,000 to OBX.

MPV performed without ailment, climbing numerous torturous hills today at under 25 mph. Strange to realize how difficult - and picturesque - I-90 really is. Have driven I-90 coast to coast at least 20 times, and only now, after 2 + years of walking and observing, do I "see" that which I pass by.

Mid afternoon found me driving up the hill to the Battlefield Of The Little Big Horn...seen in the grove of trees at the top of the hill.

This, my third visit to Custer's Last Stand Memorial, is the first time I really understood that which I was seeing.

Entering the Battlefield National Park, the above cemetery greets visitors. I have the option to be buried in such a National Cemetery...having served 10 years honorably in the USAF.

Panorama from the Visitor's Center of the hillside of the battlefield.

Custer's "last stand" is located at top left, a few yards beyond the teepee.

Fighting occurred across and beyond the actual hillside battlefield. Groups of killed US 7th Cavalry Soldiers were found in a number of places.

Receiving an excellent lecture from Ranger Dan at the Visitor's Center.

Ranger Dan told about his most difficult post-lecture question...received from an 8-year old boy:

"Who, Ranger Dan, were the good guys and who were the bad guys"

Please click click to enlarge the photos.

The Battlefield of the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

Please click click to enlarge.

Custer's last stand was in the top center of the large green highlight.

The fenced-in area with the gravestones are the limits of Custer's "last stand" position.

Custer and 41 7th Calvary soldiers were killed here. Bodies lay for two days before being recovered. Only officers bodies were recovered - and taken elsewhere for burial (Custer's grave lies in the grounds of West Point Academy above the Hudson River north of New York City).

The enlisted bodies remained where they died. Years later, remains were recovered and placed in a mass grave within the fenced-in area.

The Eastern portion of the battlefield - as seen from where Custer and his 41 died.

The opposite view to the West.

Present day Visitor's Center is in the tree grove next to the cemetery.

A mural painting of the battlefield...specifically Custer's "last stand hill".

Battlefield monument standing over Custer's men's mass grave.

Teepee on display next to the Visitor's Center.

Indian Chief in full regalia on display inside the battlefield museum.

Leaving the battlefield, I drove to the city of Sheridan, Wyoming, where another motel room has been taken ($79.00). In the morning, will continue on I-90 toward DeKalb, Illinois.

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